Ch. 1 Pt.2: Sebastian

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The sound of the fire cracking was satisfying to Sebastian, the party was settling down a bit, only a few people were left dancing and giggling. One of his friends and a couple girls that he was probably trying to seduce at the time were up and digging their feet into the sand, taking off their clothes to jump into the cold ocean water. A cool and hot sensation washed down Sebastian's throat as he drank down a sip of his whiskey. The log he sat on was getting uncomfortable as a girl wrapped her arms around his bicep. She rubbed her open hand down his chest, getting closer and closer to his thighs.

"Excuse me sweetie, I've got to pee." He removed her arm and tried to get away from her as fast as possible. As much as he loved women, he couldn't deal with it tonight. He had a bad breakup about two months ago from his girlfriend cheating on him. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her hair seemed like it was made of gold, and touched her waist. Her eyes were a bright emerald green, and lips full. Her freckles were what he loved the most about her, she hated them but he loved the look. It made her look both innocent and sexy all at the same time. She was a model, so he could see cheating as a possibility at first until his trust built up with her. It all ended on a special night when he saw those beautiful lips on another man's neck, he was fondling her breast and they didn't even realise he opened the door. He's been going through a lot in the past weeks, going through girls like they were nothing, and now he couldn't stand any of them. All of them made him think of his ex, how they could easily throw themselves at someone they didn't know that well.

Sebastian is a very good looking guy, so he always gets attention at parties or social gatherings. He is a lucky guy, about six feet tall with caramel brown skin. He never has to wash his face because he was just born with perfectly flawless skin, and his hair is soft and curly. He played basketball in high school, which started his fitness routine and now he has a body any man would kill for, and any woman would die to touch or have in bed. He walked around the fire and closer to the water. His feet sat right at the shore, the water tickling his toes and the base of his feet. The cold air made him shiver slightly and his skin suddenly grew goosebumps. He looked over at his friend who was having a great time with all the girls in the water, he could see that they were all topless and he grinned. At least he was having fun at these parties still, Sebastian thought to himself. He looked around the other way and saw someone in the distance, they were speeding by as to avoid any people from looking at them.

He was very curious at this point and decided to follow, it could be a murderer but he really didn't care at all. No paying back his college loans! He decided to follow slowly so the person wouldn't see him at all, if they did see him, who knows what would happen. The night was dark and the only light he could see was from the moon reflecting off of the ocean, which was actually very bright. He made sure to look out for small things that could hurt his feet and eventually he came upon a cave that the person tiptoed into. He sat at the front of the cave, he saw a small flashlight, maybe from a phone of some sort. Then he took another step closer and heard a woman's soft voice.

"Is that... a tail?" She sounded shocked but calm, like something wasn't allowing her to be too loud or scream. He then heard a loud splash and a loud gasp, Sebastian then ran inside the cave to make sure the woman was alive and well.

"Shit!" He yelled as he stubbed his toe on a rock, it was too dark in there to see anything. He took a deep sigh and took big steps to get to the flashlight, he picked it up and scanned the area, there was a large pool of water and there she was, floating on her stomach. He panicked and jumped at her, trying his best to lift her out of the water and perform CPR. He blushed at the sight of her, she was breathtaking to him. No woman had ever made him feel like that, ever. He got knocked back to reality as he started chest compressions. 

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