Chapter 8

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AN: sorry for the long wait I had to pack and move and unpack and now I have to do it again so there's a lot going on but had some time to sit and write. Also got a new laptop so may be organized enough to start a new fanfic, we'll see. Godbless~


Nico finally got out of taking the potions daily as the month went by. He felt great, more energized then he had ever been. That mixed with his ADHD sent him moving around at any chance he could. He tapped his fingers and feet throughout class and got used to the dandelion burning with each ounce of energy he used.

When he visited the Underworld on Fridays and Sundays to continue the letters, he visited his father and Persephone and had dinner with them. Sometimes he played with Cerberus for a good hour.

When Halloween finally hit, he escaped Hogwarts to give the kids at camp a good Halloween. Most ended up sick in bed with stomachaches the next day, but all agreed that it was the most candy they had had in their life. Nico left for Hogwarts before Will could blame him.

When he got back all hell had broken loose. He appeared in his dormitory and didn't even have time before Dominic was in his face, those blue eyes full of curiosity and fear. "Where were you? Camp?"

Nico nodded. "Why are you so close to me?"

"You missed it!" Dominic explained. "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened!"

Nico's great mood dropped. "Excuse me?"

Dominic told him how Mrs. Norris the cat had been petrified and what the writing on the wall had read. Harry was the first at the scene.

"Damn!" Nico ran a hand through his hair.

"So, do you know what it is?" Dominic asked. "The Chamber of Secrets?"

"Judging by the message, something bad." Nico began to pace. "Where's Harry and Ron?"

Dominic shrugged. "I was worried about where you were. Some people are saying that you were the only one in the school not there."


"They know you're adopted. Lots of kids just like to talk and blame people and-"

"They blame me?"

"Yeah. And Harry."

"Are they complete idiots?" Nico asked. "Why would Harry and I be against muggle-borns? Have they looked at my family?"

Dominic shrugged again as he laid on his bed. "They like to have someone to blame. But it's probably a Slytherin."

Nico set his bag down before taking his jacket off. "You can't blame a whole house based on someone's actions."

Dominic rolled his eyes before turning on his side. "Nico?"


"Why do you think you weren't in Slytherin?" Dominic asked. "I seem like you'd have a whole family of them. Brothers and stuff."

Nico sat on his bed and took in the question for a moment before answering. "I do seem more like a Slytherin. Most people here would agree, anyhow. But...I don't know. I guess the Sorting Hat thinks I'm more loyal."

"Loyal to what?"

"Hell if I know." Nico tossed his boots aside and laid down. As silence fell around them and soon Dominic's breathing turned soft and low, Nico moved a hand to the dandelion on his collarbone and tried not to miss someone. He wasn't sure who, but Will's face filled his dreams for the night.

Or, at least half the night.

His last dream was plunged in darkness of a different kind. It was in Hogwarts, in the halls Nico knew so well, but the feeling of death hung in the air. He stood and watched them carry a girl's body out on a stretcher, her hand hanging off.

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