What even are 'friends'?

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"Aw, you can't remember us, Zacky~  how sad!" Said the judge in a faked sad tone. She was the most annoying out of them all, Zack decided. She was just a bitch.

"I wish I couldn't remember you, ruffian." Snapped the gravedigger, as Zack stood corrected. The gravedigger seemed the most irritating out of all the group, and also the most annoying, therefore. Zack always did hate kids.

"Now, now, I feel we all wish we could forget Zack, and the precious peepers he took from us..!!" The Doctor said, his voice contorting into one of malice and adorned by a crazed smirk. Zack noted the doctor was the most annoying and creepy of everyone he'd EVER met. He just frightened the young serial killer.

"Do not be so disrespectful, my angels." Spoke the priest-looking man. "We are here to assist Rachel Gardner. As I understand she is captured?" He looks to Zack, as if for some kind of reassurance that Rachel had really been caught by the police.

Zack nods, solemnly. A bit of sadness in his otherwise cold eyes. "... Who are you guys?..." He asked.

The priest patted his head, to Zack's irritation. "That is none of your concern, my angel."

Zack removed his hand from his raven hair, roughly. "But you all seem to know me! In fact- everyone I've met so far seems to have some history with me!" He glared. Less angry at them, and more angry at himself for not remembering who they are. Or, were. "And I can't even remember your names, or who you are- or, were?... Are you guys ghost?!"

His eyes went wide, and took a step back from the crowd of people. Cathy then spoke. "No need to be so scared, Zacky~" She said in a cutesy tone, cooing at Zack like he was five years old. "We're not gonna hurt such an adorable sinner like you~~~"

"S- sinner? Do you mean-"

Before Zack could misunderstand Cathy's interpretation of the word, Danny cut in. "Anyway! Lets go get Rachel Gardner."

And so, the serial killers, priest, and miniature serial killer went on to go and try to find Rachel. Outside of the building, walking around through the city looking like fools as none of them had any idea where to go and find Rachel. "... Uhm... you guys know where we're going?" Said Zack, looking up at them.

All shook their heads. Except the priest. "There." Said the priest, pointing to the end of the road where there was a prison. They all walked up to the building, and the young Zack was still puzzled by the plan.

"What are we going to do? We can't just break in... can we? We might get killed?"

"Brat, we're already dead!" Called the gravedigger, and the used his rusty shovel to crack open the gate, and they all ran in.

Once they set foot in the building, it was a bloodbath.

The red glint in Zack's eyes only grew. Shimmering in the blood if the guards and splattered limbs against the walls. The priest merely watched as the 'angels' did their work. He stood pleased, while Zack stood in admiration.

Sirens wailing and shotguns from above were not match for the gang of killers, especially not when Rachel joined in. Her cold eyes were in shock at the sight before her.

"Cathy?... Doctor?... Eddie?... Reverend Gray?... What are you doing with Zack?" She asked, grabbing the small bandaged boy as he called out,

"Oh! So THAT'S your names!" He said, with a chuckle and smile. "Ray, they helped me free you! They're good guys!"

Rachel took a pause, and then facepalmed, internally reminding herself that he was merely a child. "... Zack, they are killers..."

"So are we! And they just helped you get out of here, Rachel!" Zack said, looking up at the 13-year-old girl that seemed just tired of everything. As the other killers quickly jumped into the conversation.

"Rachel!! I missed you!!" Eddie cried.

"Oh~ if it isn't our dull little sinner~" Cathy butt in.

"Your peepers are just as beautifully dead as I remember!" Danny said, walking closer as he stared into her eyes.

And it all went to loud, obnoxious, swirling yelling of chaos.

Then there were sirens heard, and the group was surrounded by police. Just before they could shot, the arguing group of killers that was yelling over one another was surround by purple smoke, and quickly taken out of prison and appeared on the outside of the prison building. As they argued, screamed, and yelled at each other- Rachel was the first to realize they were free. She looked up at the Reverend. "Thank you." Is all she said, "I appreciate you helping us, but we must get back home."

"Why were you in the building in the first place?" Danny asked, looking into Rachel's dead eyes. Rachel sighing just a bit as she heard his question.

Rachel looked back at Danny, "I was trying to find a cure for Zack... I have no clue what happened to him, but he's a child now and I was trying to see if you might have something."


"Uh... Rachel..." Eddie said, and pointed the form of the small Zack, tiny, curled up, falling in an out of consciousness, bleeding out onto the pavement as there was a bullet wound in his chest. "It's Zack... h- he- I saw someone-"


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