What even is Rachel?

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Zack fell asleep, and woke up to seeing that "Rachel Gardner" person sleeping on the bed across from him. He took this as an opportunity to retrieve his knife, and escape. She may have given him food and a place to live, but he didn't understand her. And for that reason, didn't trust her. those dead eyes freaked him out!

Zack grabbed his knife, and ran out the door. He rode the elevator downstairs, and ran outside the motel.

His giant clothing made it hard for him to run, but it didn't stop him from trying.

The small Zack got into an alley, and killed a few random teenagers. They were smiling, and being annoying. They deserved it.

It was still dark outside, and he already killed some people, so he decided to get some rest. In the same alley where he slaughtered some annoying teens.

She's right next to me...
I like that she's next to me...
Why can't she be next to me forever?
She's bleeding!
Why is she bleeding?!
Blood! Too much blood!
Ah! Who's laughing?! Whoever did that to her is going to pay!!
He's dead.
That crazy psychopathic doctor that shot her is dead...
His bullet is still in her back...
His bullet is still in my skin too...
For some reason that seems less important...
I'm going to save her!!!
I need to save her!!!
She isn't supposed to die like THIS!!!
It's supposed to be ME!!!
... I won't let her die ...
But she won't wake up...
I failed her. And now she's gone.
I'm in a chair. An electric chair.
She told not to sit in these.
But I'm doing it anyway.
... She's a liar...
... A filthy liar...
But she's still my friend...
I'm not in the chair anymore.
She is in the chair.
And I can't save her.
The doll heads. They're watching her. Everyone is watching her get electrocuted.
I don't have my scythe.
And for some reason, I need it to make this stop.
She's screaming.
She's shot, electrocuted, and away from ME.
And for some reason, the last one terrifies me the most...

Small Zack shot awake, "RACHEL!!!", was the first thing he shouted. His breathing was heavy and in short intakes. He tried to stand, but felt too weak. He looked around, and was still in the alley surrounded by rotten corpses, though the sun was out by now. "... Why did I dream that?" He asked himself aloud. He grabbed his knife, stood up, and started walking. "Well, whatever fucked-up reason my mind has for dreaming that, it was about that women... what's her name..? Rachel Gardner... the women that said she helped me when I was passed out on the streets? I don't know how true that is, but she seems nice enough. Though, they all SEEM nice enough-" His thoughts were interrupted by a rumble from his stomach. "Either way, I'm hungry, and she made me some food the last time I was hungry. Maybe if I show up now she won't be mad..." He tried to reason, though he was sure she was awake by now, and that she would be furious at him for running away.

Still, he got into the motel, snuck by the workers - or at least thought he did, they just really didn't care - and opened the door to THEIR motel room.

Once he got inside, he saw Rachel searching left-and-right for him. Currently, she was searching under her mattress for the kid. "Ah! Where is he?! Why did he even leave? Wasn't I useful enough to him?!" She thought. She walked out of the bedroom, and immediately stopped the thin young, child, Issac Foster, or as he prefers to be called, Zack.

Zack stood inside the room, just in front of the closed door.

Rachel lit up, and ran up to him, wrapping him in an embrace. "Zack!! Don't you ever leave again, at least not without telling me! I was so worried about you! I thought something bad might've happened! Are you okay? Did anyone hurt you? Why did you leave? Why did you come back? Did I do something wrong? Were you scared?!" Rachel asked a thousand questions as she cradled the small boy in her arms. She sat on her knees so she could be eye-level with the child.

Zack, meanwhile, was absolutely starstruck. He thought she would -at the very least- yell at him, not think something was wrong and comfort him. Though, after a nightmare like that, he could really use HER comfort right now. And, he was a little bit confused. He never told her his name, at least he thinks he didn't. Even if he did, he probably would've said "Issac Foster" not "Zack". Most people don't even use his real name, they just call him "monster" or "freak". Even the bratty kids at the orphanage call him freak.

Though, Zack didn't mind that name. He actually kinda liked it. He decided he was going to use it from now on.

He also decided, that he liked hugs.

Zack hugged her back, but didn't abandon his stubborn attitude. "I'm okay. Shut up. What the hell is wrong with you?" He grunted.

Rachel felt a little better after those words, she was about to let the small child go, but found that he was holding onto her tightly. He didn't want her to let go. Rachel actually smiled at that. She held onto him a little longer.

After Zack got tired with the hug -which, may-or-may-not, have lasted fourty whole minutes- and let go, Rachel did the same. She walked the small one back into the bedroom. "I'll have breakfast ready soon. You may want to change out of those bloody clothes." Zack looked to the huge hoodie he was wearing, and saw it was covered in blood.

Most people get freaked out, and either scream or run when they see that he's covered in blood. She didn't. She just pointed it out, and asked him to change into some new ones.

"Why should I change clothes?" He asked, as if testing her.

Rachel turned to him. "Because it's dirty, and could stain your bed, and bedsheets. It cost a lot of money to do the laundry you know." He was shocked by her straightforward answer. So surprised, he complied without further complaint.

Zack handed her the clothes, and asked one final question. "What do I wear now?"

She pointed to the closet. "I didn't have time to make any new clothes that would fit you, since I thought I would at least have a day until you went out and killed somebody. I guess I was mistaken." She shrugged, and put the dirty clothes in a laundry basket.

The child Zack looked at her in comets surprise. "H- huh?" Zack was surprised, and confused, and a bit scared, to be honest.

Rachel looked back at him. "It's okay. I always knew. And it's okay. Just pick something to wear. It's okay, Zack." She called him that name again.

Zack calmed, and picked out a plain white t-shirt and some shorts. They weren't very short on him, and were big on his boney frame, but they would due.

He looked at himself in the mirror before putting on his new clothes.

He was a freak. A damn monster. Why did this women even give two shits about him if he died?! He was an idiot. Who cane back just to ruin an innocent person's life! He wishes she had taken his when she had the chance in the middle of the street.

"No wonder the proprietors didn't feed me. They had no reason. Wasn't like anyone would want me. That's why I was always the oldest one there. No one wanted me."

He thought. Even though deep down he knew that it wasn't true. His thoughts were getting the better of him again. He started shaking as he stared at himself in the mirror. His face darkened, and wanted to kill someone. He could see smiling faces all around him. His grip on his knife tightened, and he was about to stab through the mirror, when he heard something cut through his thoughts.

"Zack! Breakfast is ready!"

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