What even is safety?

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Rachel walked out of the classroom, putting her gun back in her bag. "Come on, Zack." She grabbed the boys hand, and walked him out of the school.

She couldn't take Zack out of school. Since he was now on the school's radar, and it is illegal to take a child that young out of school. Besides, it isn't that simple these days.

But, it isn't illegal to threaten a teacher with a gun if she or a student bully an innocent child, is it? It shouldn't be.

"...Where is it?" Zack asked as they walked down the cracked concrete road. The clouds seemed to be collecting in the sky, as if a storm was soon to come.

"But... it just rained yesterday... why so soon?" Rachel thought. A storm was coming. And there was nothing they could do to stop it.

Rachel turned back to Zack, looking down at the small bandaged boy. She only gripped his hand tighter. The dark clouds above their heads were right, a storm was quickly approaching the two, and they were headed straight for it.

"... What was I like?" Zack asked out of pure curiosity.

Rachel turned to him, confused. "What do you mean, Zack?"

"... I mean... this 'Zack' guy- the person whose memories I'm missing- me, but when I'm older-... the guy that you know... what's he like?" The younger kid said, looking up at her for an answer as she kept walking, still holding his hand.

Rachel looked down, and actually smiled a small bit. Finally showing some emotion. "... He's great. He's honest, brave, sweet, funny, and really strong." She turned back to the child, and ruffled his hair. "You're a little like him!" She said with a kind smile.

Zack's eyes widened at her expression of emotion. He loved her smile, he decided it was the only smile that he could really stand. He swore he saw some life in her eyes as she talked about his older self. He never wanted it to stop.

But it did. They approached their destination, and as they gazed upon it, Rachel's expression turned back to it's old, boring and dull one.

The grim building; made of grey bricks and cluttered with broken machines, along cracked science gear, and smashed graves- the two kids stood directly in front of it all. Rachel turned once more to Zack, "We have to go inside if we ever want you to get your memories back, and your body back." Rachel said with the same expressionless face, dead eyes, and monotone voice she always did.

Zack just sighed, and faced the destroyed building. "What happened to this place?" He thought, but walked in after Rachel.

They were about halfway to the stairs, when Rachel spotted police officers inspecting the building. "... Crap..."

Rachel Gardner had no clue what to do. She was thinking of going back into the hotel, when she turned to Zack. Rachel wondered what was going on in his head; now knowing he was supposed to be an adult, instead of a child, and that he lost most of his memories. That couldn't be easy for him to take. But either way, he was still brave, strong, and her friend no matter what form or what memories he did and did not have.

She just wished she could help him through everything that happened to him in the past. Then maybe everything would be better for him. Somehow.

She took in a deep breath, and stormed into the building. Zack following her as she did. The cops turning to her, and recognizing her in an instant. They pointed their guns at her, yelling for her to come with them and claiming they would "take her somewhere safe". Honestly, Rachel couldn't think of a better place to be than with Zack. She raised her gun, and shot each of the cops down without mercy or remorse. At least not visible.

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