Welcome To The Alternative Universe

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Yes, there was another "sibling" at the academy. However, Y/N was extremely stubborn and therefore never went out into the spotlight. Y/N had the power to shapeshift into a limited number of animals. The animals being a wolf, fox, cat, dog, and snake. However, whenever Y/N dyed their hair the fur/skin of the animals changed to match it. Currently, Y/N's hair has been dyed a blue-black with blue streaks which proved extremely interesting when they shifted. Out of all the "siblings", Y/N was closest to Five and Klaus. However, in drastically different ways.

Y/N was currently sitting at the bar drinking a margarita and smoking a cigarette. It was only nine in the morning but Y/N didn't care. Klaus had drugs and Y/N had day drinking with chain-smoking in order to get through life as a bloody fucking Hargreeves.

"It's a little early, don't you think?" Five said while standing in the doorway.

"Oh go fuck yourself five. Not all of us are geniuses." Y/N said with a grin.

"You know, I'd rather not. But thank you for the compliment." Five said.

"No problem. So how are we going to save the world?" Y/N asked.

"I'm not sure yet. I stayed up most of the night while in the library researching but I don't really have a focus point." Five admitted.

Suddenly Klaus walked into the room. He looked at Y/N with a shit eating grin.

"Oh, shit..." Y/N said.

Klaus sauntered over to Y/N. His smile only getting bigger.

"What is it, Klaus?" Y/N asked hesitantly.

"I forget what I took last night, but it made me realize something," Klaus said.

Before Y/N could say anything, Klaus' lips were on yours. Y/N couldn't help but lean into Klaus as Y/N kissed back. The kiss lasted a few seconds before Five coughed to get them to stop.

"Well, at least Klaus was smart enough to do that before the world ends." Five said with a slight smile.

Y/N raised an eyebrow but didn't comment. Instead, Y/N looked at Klaus. It was the first time Y/N had seen Klaus' eyes filled with love. It was quite startling for Y/N but it didn't necessarily scare you.

"Y/N the world most likely ends in a few days, but would you be my boy/girlfriend?" Klaus asked.

Y/N smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I would like that a lot."


All of the "siblings" were in the living room discussing how to save the world. Y/N and Klaus were sitting on the couch. Y/N curled up against Klaus' side.

"Did you notice anything in particular, Five?" Y/N asked.

"No, not really, just crumbled buildings." Five admitted.

"Maybe there's someone out there with a power that we don't know about?" Y/N suggested.

"How would we even find them if it was?" Luther asked.

"Look I didn't say I knew the answer." Y/N snapped.

"Calm down Y/N. I don't want to have to break up a fight." Diego commented.

Y/N shifted into a wolf and walked out of the room. Klaus glared at Luther immediately.

"Why must you always be an ass?" Klaus asked.

"I wasn't trying to - " Luther started.

"Hey! Everybody shut up. The world is about to end we don't need to be arguing over how much an ass Luther is." Five yelled.

Everyone went silent. Five had never been particularly vocal about Luther's attitude before. It shocked everybody, but at the same time, Klaus knew it would have happened in a matter of time due to the fact that Y/N was Five's best friend. Whenever Y/N was upset with the siblings, Five always took Y/N's side.


Y/N had transformed back into a human and was sitting on the floor of their bedroom with their back against their bed as they drank tequila straight in small gulps. There was a knock on the door frame. Y/N looked up and saw Klaus standing in the doorway.

"Hey... you alright babe?" Klaus whispered.

Y/N shrugged their shoulders. "I'm fine. Just sick of Luther questioning everything I say."

"I don't think he meant to sound that way this time, love," Klaus said softly.

"Yeah, I realize that now... He's still a dick and I'm not apologizing." Y/N said as they wiped a stray tear off their cheek.

Klaus gave a small chuckle before walking over to Y/N and sitting down on the floor beside them. Klaus pulled Y/N into his arms.

"Don't worry I won't make you apologize to that fool," Klaus said with a smile.

Y/N smiled up at Klaus and stared into Klaus' eyes for a long time before whispering, "I love you."

Klaus responded by leaning down and kissing Y/N hotly. Within seconds, Klaus helped Y/N straddle his lap while they continue to kiss. Y/N groaned when Klaus bit their lip. They were about to go further when the familiar sound of Five teleporting into the room occurred. Klaus groaned as they pulled away from each other.

"You couldn't have chosen another time, Five?" Klaus growled.

Five burst out laughing. "I can't be losing the bet now can I." Five said with a grin.

"What bet?" Y/N asked.

"Oh, Vanya and I have a bet going on how long it will take you two to have sex before the world ends. Vanya said it would be today and I said tomorrow." Five explained.

"Oh, I'm glad this is all fun and games for you two. But I'm horny and we were in the middle of something." Klaus said in a mocking angry tone.

Y/N suddenly couldn't contain it anymore and burst out laughing. Y/N laughed so hard that their sides hurt. When Klaus saw how Y/N was so happy, he couldn't help but smile and laugh along. When everyone finally calmed down, Five spoke up.

"Klaus, if you hurt Y/N I'll be sure to kill you before the world ends." Five said in a more serious tone.

"I promise, I would never hurt Y/N. However, I can't promise that you'll win the bet." Klaus said with a slight smile.

No. 8 [ Klaus x  Reader (gender neutral) ]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum