1. Pilot.

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Ashton's POV:

"Ashton Honey, time to wake up!" a distant voice attempted to break me from my sleep but I was having none of it as I turned and rolled over deeper into my bed, enjoying the warmth that enveloped me.

"Ashton!" The voice came back louder a few minutes later and I groaned into my pillow, pulling it over my head to stop the noise, because yes in my sleep deprived state that was going to work. And guess what? It did.

Well at least until a large weight suddenly landed on top of my body, or should I say two little ones.

All the air whooshed out of my lungs and shit, what the hell was stepping on my internal organs? I need those and wow small little pointy feet where not how I imagined waking up this morning. Loud giggling pierced my eardrums and my eyes shot open wide to see my two younger sisters, Georgia and Jacqueline, using me and my bed as though it were a trampoline. They continued to laugh their heads off like the little nutters they were until they suddenly noticed I was awake and that's when I realised my moment of peace was well and truly ruined.

"He's' awake!"

"Ashy! Get up"

"You're so lazy!"


Neither of them ceasing to stop their bouncing even as they spoke and when one of them nearly stepped on an area I would much rather keep I decided it was enough. I lunged up out of bed, pulling both of them into my arms and tickling them relentlessly as they struggled to get away, laughing insanely as they kicked and screamed at me.

"Surrender!" I shouted through my own laughter.

"Never!" they both struggled to get out, hair sticking to their faces and their cheeks rosey from laughing so hard.

"Sandy! Help!" One of them suddenly called, I'm really not sure which, I mean it's hard enough sometimes that they both look and sound the same, but when they are both laughing and struggling out of my hold it is practically impossible to tell who the saboteur was.

A loud barking suddenly echoed throughout the house, followed by loud thudding footsteps running down the hallway. My eyes widened and I abruptly released the girls, dropping them down on my bed and making a break for the bathroom door.

But alas I was too late and my large golden retriever, Sandy, came barreling into the room, barking wildly and excitedly as she singled me out. Seconds later her body was flying through the air and she landed in a slobbering mess on my chest knocking us both to the ground, I landed with an 'ompf' and a groan.

George and Jacques found the situation unbearably hilarious as they both rolled around on my bed, having failed to stop laughing ever since I was rudely awakened a few minutes ago.

A sudden click and camera flash went off and I pushed Sandy off of me to see my mum standing beside my bedroom door, camera in hand and a giant smile on her face.

"Hey, no fair! How come you let them attack me and just stand there taking photos?" I exclaimed, leveling an accusing finger at her but she just laughed and flitted out of the room. I sighed, but a smile appeared on my face as I shook my head, dislodging Sandy to continue making my way to the bathroom, in hopes to prepare myself for the disaster that is high school.

It was nearing the middle of the school year and it was nice to have the twins laughing. We had all been in a pretty bad state ever since my father died last year and were all slowly attempting to re-adjusting to life as it was.And moments like these didn't happen as much as they used to. But it was good to hear the twins laughing again, although, I just wish my other sister Janice would join in every once in a while. She had taken it pretty hard when dad left.

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