32: Rays V Redsox

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Soraya's POV

"Willow, don't tell me you don't have my wardrobe memorised because when you bloody well want something, you can describe the shirt down the type of material," I stated over the phone as I stood in my underwear. Ashton was going to be picking me up in less than twenty minutes, and I still had no idea what to wear.

"You can't wear the jersey they gave you as a forgiveness present?"

"Will, are you kidding me? It's signed, I've already framed it. That thing is not going on my body," I replied in disbelief, almost panicking as the echo of my clock ticking hit me right in my anxiety.

"Okay, so, start with jeans. Whichever pair you grab first." I reached into the built in and ripped a pair of jeans out. "What colour are they?"

"Grey. Honestly, did you expect anything else?"

"You have a point, my sweet, colourful bird." Alrighty, sure thing honey, I'll let that one slide. I don't have time to argue. "Now, are you going grunge or something semi-formal?"

"I have no idea," I replied.

"How am I supposed to help you if you can't help yourself?" The redhead asked through the phone.

"I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS, WILL!!" I shouted, looking through my shirts once again.

"Why do you care so much?" Will asked gently, which made me freeze in my room. Why did I care? "Do you like Ashton?"

"No..." I replied, ignoring as my face began heating up, and Willow could tell the denial wasn't as believable as it could be.

"Wear what you're comfortable in, don't worry about what Ashton thinks. He prefers your signature style, anyway. Remember your birthday party?" Willow stated, and it made one sentence flash through my mind.

Now that's my Ray.


"Don't overthink it. Just grab some clothes, put them on and get to the baseball game," Willow stated, which made me smile.

"You're right. Thanks," I said a little quietly as she fished for a band shirt and threw it on my bed next to the pair of jeans.

"You're welcome. Now go have fun." I didn't have time to reply as Willow hung up on me. I quickly got dressed and put a pair of Converse on before running down the stairs. Someone was knocking on the door.

"Two seconds!" I shouted, praying that it was and wasn't Ashton.

"You have one!" Ashton shouted back through the door, just before I opened it.

"Let's go to the baseball!" I shouted in excitement before Dave came into the lounge room. He looked at Ashton for a moment.

"Bring her back before ten," Dave stated simply.

"Since when did I have a curfew?" I asked in confusion. My adoptive father looked at me.

"Since now." He replied with a smirk. "Now go enjoy yourselves..." He looked at Ashton again. "... but not too much."

"Bye..." I trailed off, walking out the door slowly and closing it behind her. "That was weird." I whispered as we walked to Ashton's car. Dave had never been protective of me before. He knew I could take care of myself.

"Well, I would say I disagree with you but..." Ashton trailed off. "What makes him think we'll be that late, anyway?"

"I'm pretty sure he's implying something there, Ash," I replied. Ashton blinked as he processed what I had said. "You are following me, right?"

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