Save Her...

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I put my war paint to help me be camouflage on.i shifted to see in the glass and saw the white and gold marks go down my fur and made it look like a tree or bush...the alpha came out his fur half black spots.we headed to the shadow pack being as shadows.we found it the place we're my madisen was killed I whimpered as i saw the knife that killed her still there.alpah looked up there there we will get her back I fallowed him as we saw some wolves on patrrol we killed them quietly and hide them...ok sam get your sored ready  I pulled out my blue blade out just as i did we trafered to a room were the betas and omega sat..they looked up and I  i caught the eye of one who looked familiar as her eyes evil and dark...what brings u here sam here to be used like your mate  the wolf yiped I growled but  alpha stopped me so u bring back the old man wow who knew u were that desperate the wolf she lafhed the omegas circled... i flew in the air killing to two with a cut if there necks....this would be fun...

Dean pov

My brother disappeared I knew were he went so I stayed back....then as i was making a sam which a knock on my door startled me...i open to see a very tired and just cray looking jordan.he walk in and sat dowm."I need help dean" he whispered "sam has done somthing bad..he has sumend the god ghost wolf" I gasped no."he going to kill him self " I yelped afred."that's why he needs help" Jordan put a hand on his face "after our sister died I just had her and now I'm alone " he started to cry..i padded his sholder."well let's gear up"

Sam pov

I grabbed the wolfs neck snapping it as it droped.the alpha fur was stained red on his muzzle.then we herd a huge growl and there stood the black alpha.his muzzle was scared and grey as his yellow teeth dare u r enter my pack I growled I though my mate killed u he lafhed that was my beta and as for your alpha there the alpha ears went back ok I guess I'm the beta but the alpha is here I looked to see a flash of white as the alpha apered a red slash ran down his face as his white teeth showed.we meet again black wolf he growled as the black wolf walk forward and lafhed your not bring the girl back as he stepped foreword a dark brown wolf with red eyes( Dean) a gold and black wolf (jordan) as there sords layed on there backs.they joined us as the ghost alpha growled and he showed his alpha body and so they circled. The the black alpha longed but the ghost wolf jumped sinking his teeth into his back they fought we looked watching each other as a black female from earlier she growled as her fur tured red around it.a red and black sord apered in her mouth as she growled.then jordan gloded gold as his gold sord aperred.u killed my sisters and now I will kill u he jumped as she did the clang of metal filled the room as the wolves fought.i toke my sord and saw a shadow behind dean I punched sinking the sored into the wolves flesh.dean snapped it's head off.we turred to see the black she\wolf on the ground Jordans  sord stapled into her back and though her stomach.we all looked over too the alphas to see both on the ground with each others sored in them.sam ran over to the white alpha he breathed hevy go....take are fur...mix....she will go save her he closed his eyes as death over took.i took the fur mixed as it flew in the air..forming a shape...madisen.

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