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Evan's always off with Cassie. It's almost as if he doesn't notice me, like before we started going out. I've sort of gone off him anyways. But it's always nice to have a friend that notices you.

I don't have anything against Cassie. She actually says hi to me when we pass in the hallways, and is 1/3 of the people I would actually have a conversation with. It's just the fact that Evan's always with her, and I never get to talk to him.

I don't blame her. I've heard her several times telling Evan to go hang out with me because she knew what she was doing. Whatever they were doing, however, Evan seemed pretty determined to get right. Even Archie spent more time with her than he did with me. Archie!

When I got the courage to talk to Cassie, I told her everything on my mind. I don't know how she does it, what she has, but she's unfairly easy to talk to. I felt the need to tell her my deepest secrets, even the ones I didn't even know.

Since when did I like Lucy, and when did I decide it was ok to tell Cassie?

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