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Honestly, I should've known. What make me think Brett would prefer a girl like me to a girl like Lucy. I mean, she would be able to give him the tongue whenever he wanted, without a second thought.

I suppose it wad a happy ending. I didn't get stuck with Brett (because honestly, he's just a pretty face), Lucy got him instead, Evan and Patrice got together and honestly, everything couldn't have turned out better. Would've been nice to get a boy of my own though...

Yes, I realise I was acting a bit moronic too. I probably shouldn't be complaining about Brett like this when I was prepared to run after him and away from some of the nicest boys I've ever met. And I did, and Lucy, my best friend, told me to get lost. I did that too, but I did the smart thing and ran to the three people I had left: Cassie, Charlotte and Molly.

When I told them what happened, I could tell Charlotte hadn't believed me, and that was as upsetting as it was frustrating. Cassie, on the otber hand, believed me wholeheartedly, and heard me out. I underestimated her a lot. Molly, I think, was just trying to understand the situation.

So here I am. A few months ago, the most popular boy in school had a crush on me. Now, I was no longer 'cool', and I had about two people who didn't hate me, one of whom didn't even understand the situation.

I suppose none of us are cool. Everyone realised that Brett really wasn't all that great, and neither was Lucy. I suppose they both still had their supporters, but not to such a large scale anymore.

I'm not cool anyways, so I definitely should've stayed with Archie. When I ran off, I could feel the disappointment on his attractive face. Well, as attractive as you can get when you're dying.

Oh my God, I like Archie!

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