Heart Broken

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Lorena’s P.O.V

When I heard those words coming out of Harry’s mouth it felt like a million daggers were stabbed right into my heart! My dreams my hopes were all gone, the thought of me being with Harry together and falling in love with each other is all Gone, it Disappeared! I feel like crying screaming out in pain my heart aches but I can’t let him see how I feel, to him I’m just another fan that he just met and haves no importance to his life…………….

Lorena: “Oh… I….Uh…. hahaha *awkward laugh* of courseee! Of course duh I totally knew why you did it!!! haha I was totally kidding about that whole thing about asking you about uuhm you…. Eeh …. Uh… liking me……. eehm yea” I said awkwardly trying my best to convince him that I already knew the reasons why he had kiss me but I think I miserably failed :(

harry: “Oooh so you knew? So you really didn’t want to know if I liked you or not.” I don’t know why but I think I heard disappointment in his voice? mmm maybe I’m just imagining

Lorena:”haha of course I knew! And I was just kidding about that, Ooh hey I gotta go I better get going to my house since today is my ….. Uh … never mind, nice meeting you bye” I really couldn’t stand to be there anymore I’m trying really hard to suppressed my tears from falling, this just hurts sooo much I don’t want to see his face anymore or ill just brake down into an endless river of tears just by seeing his beautiful angelic face I can’t help but feel depress :( I turned my back on him grabbing the shopping bags and walked to the direction of my house when I suddenly heard Harry say

Harry: “Wait!!!!”

I froze, I didn’t turned around I just stood there giving him my back as the wind blew thru my hair.

Harry: “uuhm don’t you want an autograph or something cause ill be gl-“

I cut out his words saying

Lorena: “I don’t need your autograph Bye!” I said coldly as a tear fell from my eyes burning my face, tightening my grip on the shopping bags piercing my nails through the skin of my hands  almost making them bleed as I started walking again leaving behind what ever happened between me and Harry… I didn’t want to sound so cold towards him the fact that he doesn’t like me doesn’t give me the right to be like that to him but what’s done is done I guess this is goodbye for ever bye my love :’( the tears kept coming as I distanced myself from Harry more and more and more……………………

Harry’s P.O.V

When I gave her my cold answer she said

 Lorena: “Oh… I….Uh…. hahaha *awkward laugh* of courseee! Of course duh I totally knew why you did it!!! haha I was totally kidding about that whole thing about asking you about uuhm you…. Eeh …. Uh… liking me……. eehm yea” I knew it! :( She was just kidding; I think my heart broke into pieces after hearing that, she haves no interest in me what so ever, not even after that kiss we just had didn’t she feel the sparks that I felt? ,I really felt that we had a connection but I guess ….. I guess I was wrong :’(

Harry: “Oooh so you knew? So you really didn’t want to know if I liked you or not.” I said with disappointment in my voice

Harry:”haha of course I knew! And I was just kidding about that, Ooh hey I gotta go I better get going to my house since today is my ….. Uh … never mind nice meeting you bye” waaaaiiit shes leaving!!!??? noooo I want her to stay here with me by my side! I really don’t want her to leave please don’t go my angel please!

Harry: “Wait!!!!” I said desperately hoping she would stay with me but she just stood there and didn’t even turn around :( the wind blew threw her hair and I could smell her scent of strawberries which intoxicated my whole body and making me wanting her even more

Harry: “uuhm don’t you want an autograph or something cause ill be gl-“I tried to make up a stupid excuse so she could stay but she cut my words

Lorena: “I don’t need your autograph Bye!”

Oooww her words!!! Her words hurt me so much! And she sounded so cold towards me I-i-I God I hate this feeling!!! Please make it stop!!! my pain worsens and I see her walk away from me more and more and more making the distance between us larger noo I need you please come back pleaseeee my tears started to flow as I tried stopping them by wiping them out with my hands roughly but I can’t I really can’t my heart is in so much pain right now, the tears just can’t stop coming, I felt my legs getting weak as my whole body shivered seeing the girl of my dreams leaving me!  Leaving what happen between us forgotten! I-I-I want you please don’t leave!!!! my knees drop dead on the ground as I had my hands gripping on my hair really tight feeling my tears flow on my face feeling them burning me as they made their way down my tears are made of anger and hatred towards me ! why didn’t I tell her why whyyyy whyyyy!!!!!!!! I reached out my hand as if she was there for me to grab her hand

Harry: “ Pleaseee, pleaseeee come back don’t leaveee!!!!! *tears falling* come back,I-i-i d-didn’t e-e-even  g-g-get t-t-to K-know Y-y-your N-nameeee!!! Aaaaaaaaaahhh!!!!!!!” I stuttered and screamed but she was already too far away to hear my pathetic pleads; I dropped the hand that was reaching and yearning for her to come back on the ground, I got up and sat on a chair I could see that some people were looking at me as if I was crazy but w.e I really don’t care what they thing fuck all of them…… I sat there as I let thoughts run thru my mind and a smile formed into my face because I realize that yea I won’t see her again or touch her again or admire her beautiful face again but at least I had the chance to meet the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world and KISS her, at least I have her face stuck in mind and I’ll never ever erase her image off my mind she really is something that can’t be forgotten, at least I have this memory of us together that can’t or won’t be replaced I’m really happy and even though she doesn’t like me I hope she finds someone that she loves and that will make her happy if she’s happy then I’ll be happy… I stood up remembering a shortcut to my best friend’s house Niall I so wanna tell him what happen to me today :D ………………


I was walking with a smile on my face, hands on my pockets, looking up at the blue sky, the birds chirping, the sun shining, the wind blowing today really is a beautiful day :) I change my view to my right and I was shocked as HELL!!!!  It’s my angel!!! She was on the next street walking omg is it destiny bringing us together again :D she turned her face to her left and saw me, when she saw she widen her eyes and started running! What!!? Why is she running away!!? Should I go after her!? No, no she probably ran because she doesn’t wanna see me but, but she haves heels on what if she falls!!??? NO, no Harry forget it she doesn’t want to see you I don’t want to keep bothering her, I let out a sigh put on a smile on my face and kept walking as if I didn’t see her ………..


I was walking calmly to my house I had finally manage to stop my tears, I finally felt peaceful inside my heart, I don’t know why but I had this feeling to look at my left, I turned my head to the left and I saw OMG OMG OMG !!!!! HARRYYYYY!!???? I widened my eyes and started running as fast as I could in my frikin high heels what the hell!? Was he following me or something omg noo noo the tears, the tears are coming back! Crap nooo why I’m I crying I don’t want to cry no more it’s my frikin Birth-day for god sakes! I stopped running for a minute to try and calm myself down, I looked through the shopping bags since I put my iPod in there since I forgot to bring my purse -.- and I had to put the money in my pockets I searched for it and YEIII I found it I put my earphones on and put “ One thing” from 1D I really love that song and it never fails to put a smile on my face I pressed play and started humming the song as I closed my eyes to focus only on the song and I knew I wouldn’t trip since I know where I was walking by heart… Uuuuuh Uuuhhh here comes the chorus aaaah my favoriteee :D

Lorena: “So get out, get out, Get out of my miiiiindddddd and come into my arms instead!”  I was basically shouting the lyrics as I had my hands up in air xD

Lorena:” I don’t I don’t’ know, know  what it is but”……….. *BOOM*

Lorena; “aaaaaaaaah”

omg what the hell I just fell on top of someone and my hands landed their strong firm chest craaaap it had to be a guy -.- I opened my eyes and…………….. OMGGGGG!!!! It’s frikin Niall from One direction what the hell!!! This can’t be happening to me again!!? Again!!!?? AGAIN!? Seriously!!! …..He looked at me and said

Niall:” You got that one thing  <3” he sang it and gave me a big bright smile

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