Trying to escape them!

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Harry's  P.O.V

Crap they discovered me Shit! I started to run as fast as I could ,I don’t even know where the hell I’m a running to ! The screaming gets louder and louder I fastened my pace it’s like a terror movie they’re coming to get me and devour me as soon as they get their hands on me nooo I’m too young for this Dx why do I have to be so hot!? … I Kept running as fast as lightning but then * BOOM* OMG I just knocked down an old lady!!! I  bent down on my knees having a worried look on my face and said

Harry: Omg miss I’m sooo sorry please forgive me are you hurt!?

Old Lady: ooowww it hurts!

Harry: Where!? Where does it hurt!!?

Nobodies P.O.V

Harry started touching her head to see if it was where the old lady was hurting but the old lady grabbed his hand really tight looking at him with piercing perverted eyes and put his hand on her boob and said “Here this is where it hurts!!!” Harry widened his eyes his eyes looked like they were going to pop out! “What the HELL is this old lady doing!?’’ he thought, he felt disgusted at what his hand was feeling.

Harry: Let goooo of my hand! You sick old lady!!!!

Old lady: You’re such a handsome young man oouuu God!

Harry: Pleaseee stop making those faces just STOP!

Old lady: Oh yees keep screaming at me it turns me oooh aaah!

Harry: Eeeeeeeeeeww !

Harry manage to take his hand off that disgusting droopy looking boob as he quickly attempted to get away from that sick old lady he failed as she pulled him down and had her hands on Harry's perfect looking face just inches away from their faces and she said  “Kiss me you little bad boy or granny is going to have to punish you!”  Then she smiled really big with her Yellow disgusting teeth.

Harry: Oooh GOD!!! Is that your breath or did you just Fart!!?? Get your wrinkly ass hands off my me!

harry stood up and started running again he could hear the old lady yelling cursing at him saying “ You son of a Bitch!” and he could hear his fans screams also their getting closer and closer to where he was thanks to horny Mc-granny the fans might catch him now.

Harry's P.O.V

I started running again ‘oooh God I think I wanna throw-up that was just soooo disgusting! Are my looks really that good that I just can turn-on old-ladies just like that? That’s really disturbing!’ I thought as I finally found an exit door “AMEN thank you Jesus!” I yelled out as I pushed the exit door open ‘what!? A food court!?’ I looked around I hoped nobody here recognizes me

“ Aaaaaaah Harryyyyyyyy!!!”  I heard a loud scream oooh nooo theyre coming !!!!  I looked around desperately left to right where the hell I’m I going to run then my eyes looked upon a beautiful girl with long black beautiful hair I could see that she had an amazing figure even though she was sitting down, had B-sized boobs, flat stomach, snow-white skin, smooth looking legs I can’t see her face clearly she’s too far aw- “Aaaaaahhhh Harryyyy Harryyyyy” my thoughts were interrupted by the loud fan-girls screams I swear they could totally make friking chorus group! I started running towards the beautiful girl that I was looking at just a few seconds ago,  ‘Maybe she can help me get away from my fans or lend me something so I could disguised myself up, plus I really want to see what her face looks like because with a body like that she haves to be a goddess!’ I thought as I kept running with all my strength I’m really was getting tired I been running like 20mins non-stop well except for that accident with the old lady yuuuk ,I feel like I can’t breathe no more but I’m almost there just a little bit more . FINALLY I’m here in front her she looking somewhere else so I said “Pleaseee…….Miss…….. Help….......Me!!!” so I could catch her attention ‘Uuugghh I’m out of breathe!’

Lorena’s P.O.V

Omg it’s really him! The guy that I’ve been dreaming and fantasizing about for these past 2 years , the guy that I’ve wanted to see and touch so much is standing right in front of me I just can’t believe it is this real!? Are my eyes playing a trick on me!? Is this really harry styles!? Is he asking me for help!?Too many questions to be answered oh God this really can’t be him! I need to know for sure if it’s really him I’m about to do something really embarrassing but I NEED to do it in order to find out if he really IS Harry Styles ooh God this is gonna be so embarresing here I go! ……………..

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