Chapter 46

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---> CHAPTER 46* --->

*My usual chapter banner won't load!

A few hours later the red rays of sunrise illuminate the rows of black tents erected along the isolated Lost Coast beach. I walk between them, the carved box in my arms. I catch glimpses of the ghostly men and women inside sharpening knives and swords made of metal and bone as I pass. The metallic sounds add to the waves lapping the shore.

I reach Mino's tent by the cliff face – a little larger than the others - and walk through the entrance flaps without announcing myself.

The floor is covered with rich, crimson rugs, and he's acquired quite a collection of items from the ferry – including a small table, a camp bed covered with cushions, and a decanter that looks suspiciously like it's carved from bone.

I'm distracted from the decoration, though, by Mino himself.

He's sat on an elaborate throne like chair - legs sprawled out, ankles crossed. His head is back and his eyes are closed - eyelids flickering.

Suddenly, as if noticing my presence, his head jerks up – eyes jolting open and meeting mine.

"Lila! What a welcome surprise. I thought you would be scheming with our friend Valentine."

"What are you doing?" I say, frowning.

"Resting my eyes." A grin spreads across his face as he sits upright. He reaches for the decanter and pours blood red liquid into the crystal goblet beside it. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

I stare at him for a moment. Then shrug. "Charon told me that there's a café a couple of kilometers up the cliff and I don't think I can go on without a cup of coffee."

He chuckles – his gaze casting down to the ancient dusty crate in my arms. "You want me to look after the box."

I inhale through my nose, then incline my head.

I don't particularly want to let it out of my sight – but it's not exactly conspicuous. As well as catching some stares from anyone else grabbing a coffee, I can't rule out that there may be cupids nearby.

Mino is the most powerful person here. And I trust him – more or less.

I will always stand with those in the shadows.

"I reckon it would cause some funny looks if I took it with me," I say.

His smile widens. "Indeed."

He inclines his head and gestures to the corner of the tent. I put the box down there, then head back to the rippling black flap of the tent.

"Has Charon gone back to the Underworld to pick up our cupid friends, yet?" says Mino.

"Yes," I say – something clenching uncomfortably in my stomach. "I paid him to take them to a different part of the coast so that we wouldn't encounter them yet. I don't want any. . . complications."

"Probably wise. Enjoy your coffee, old friend," says Mino – eyes glinting.

I nod then head out onto the beach.

Quickly I stride between the tents and start walking up a path on the cliff – hoping Valentine is distracted enough by the army and the Furies to not notice what I'm doing.

While I would, actually, kill for a cup of coffee right now – that's not the real reason I want to get back to civilization.

My phone has been dead since entering the Underworld.

Psyche's Heart : CUPID'S MATCH BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now