Chapter 21

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When Charlie and I walk into the Cupids Matchmaking Service cafeteria, Cupid and Cal are already sat at one of the tables.

Cupid is sprawled back on one of the chairs, hands crossed behind his head, looking up at the high ceiling. It's an attempt to look casual, but I can see the tension in his arm muscles from here. Cal's eyes are directed at the door – but they don't see us, his thoughts clearly elsewhere. On Amena, I'm guessing.

I don't think I can stand the awkwardness.

"I'm going to get a coffee." I look at Charlie. "Want one?"

She nods and we part ways as I head to the line of cupids behind the coffee machine. I let the chatter and scent of coffee beans wash over me as my mind reels over the past twenty-four hours. This is all such a mess.

I want you to come to the Underworld to get me.

I glance at the plastic clock hung ono the wall. It's almost five.

With all the drama with Valentine, I'd almost forgotten that the Furies would be coming at midnight. And – with a pang of sadness – that Cupid was meant to be taking me on a date. We were supposed to face this thing together. And now he won't even talk to me.

When I've got the coffees, I take them over to the round table – setting myself down next to Charlie. Cal looks at me and inclines his head sharply, but Cupid's gaze remains fixed on the ceiling.

A surge of hot irritation runs through my veins.

"Are you going to keep ignoring me?"

Cal and Charlie stiffen. I've made things even more awkward, but I don't care. Cupid slowly brings his gaze down to meet mine – his irises a stormy blue.

"Are you going to keep on having secret meetings with Valentine?"

"Oh, give her a break, Cupid." Crystal's weary voice comes from behind. I turn sharply, a jolt of surprise running though my body that she would stand up for me. She sits down beside Cal, her eyes on Cupi. "It's not like there's a textbook that outlines how to deal with mythological drama."

"There is actually," says Amena taking the empty seat beside her. She sits upright, hands clasped on the table in front of her. Her dark eyes glint intelligently.

"The Cupids Matchmaking Service company handbook?" says Crystal.

"Yes. Although I don't think it has a chapter about what to do when an original undead cupid contacts from the Underworld..." she offers me a sympathetic smile.

I don't return it. I've not forgotten the smile she shared with the member of the Arrows. What game is she playing here?

Crystal smiles wryly. "Bit of an oversight really."

Cupid doesn't say anything, but when our eyes catch I think I see something a bit sheepish hiding within the green flecks of his irises.

"So, you're Cupid's match?" says Amena – eyes still on my face. There's something searching in them, like she's reaching for my soul. I don't like it. I shift slightly in my seat, but refuse to break eye contact. "I've heard a lot about you."

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