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I finally woke up in the passenger seat of the car. Kai was driving and as he began to say a word, I immediately took off my seat buckle and reached for the door handle. I pulled on it several times like a mad woman but it was locked. I couldn't even manually switch the lock on the door.

I whipped my gaze towards Kai. "It's lock proof," He said. "Most importantly, bullet proof."

I start punching and slamming the window hoping I could signal passing cars. All of a sudden, I saw a semi truck coming really fast through the side mirrors. As I turned to look through the back window, Kai glanced at the rear view mirror. He let go of the steering wheel and pushed me back against my seat. The car began to spin around.

He reached over me and grabbed my seatbelt and my face flushed red as my face was only an inch away from his. Before he could latch it on, the semi truck struck the front left side of the car and the impact was so strong, I rolled out of that so called bullet proof car.

I tumbled over 20 feet and I got up as fast as I could

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I tumbled over 20 feet and I got up as fast as I could. My ears were ringing but I felt no pain. All the adrenaline on me rushed out and I couldn't even process what just happened. I head back to the car for Kai and as I opened the door, he was soaked in blood.

I panicked and I started to search him

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I panicked and I started to search him.

"Where are you hurt?!" I screamed. "We have to stop the bleeding!" I frantically assessed his injuries but all I could see was blood coming from his head.

This is not good

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This is not good. I began to call 911 and I started to release him from his seat belt. The whole time, he just glared at me; I think he even smiled. Hopefully he doesn't think that I care about him.

"Get them." Someone said from behind.

I turn around and over 50 guards hopped out of the semi. What the fuck. 2 guys grabbed my arms and dragged me away from Kai.

"LET GO OF ME!" I struggled. "HE'S GOING TO DIE."

"Then let him die." Said the man from earlier staring into my eyes. They dragged me into the back of a white van. As they threw me in there, I turned back and saw a dragon brooch. I remembered them and that brooch from the charity event. It's that Charles guy behind this.

I rushed towards the door and in comes Kai from around the corner. They had no mercy when they threw him in. Yikes. 8 of the Dragon men jumped in and held us at gun point.

I looked at Kai as he was lifelessly laying on the ground. I tried so hard to not cry because I felt so bad that he was suffering this much. I carefully touched the wound on his head and I wrapped his handkerchief around his head hoping the bleeding would stop.

He was passed out and in what felt like forever, the van finally stopped. I couldn't see anything as the back doors had no windows but I could smell gasoline, so it was definitely a gas station. The 8 men hopped out of the back and locked the doors with a chain and a lock.

Kai begins to move and I help him sit up against the car.

"Are you okay," He weakly said with a deep breath.

"I think I am. Just a little scratches and scrapes. To be honest my knees and elbows were definitely busted but there was no severe bleeding.

"Those are the Dragon people," I said swiftly.

"I know." He said. "It all makes sense now."

"What are you talking about," I questioned.

"After we got you, I got news that one of my territories was getting attacked and there was a strike happening. I sent Joe and my men to calm it down before I was going to go there later tonight after dinner. But that was just their tactic to get me to be alone so this could happen."


"Yeah. I knew you wouldn't willingly get dinner with me and I was waiting for you since 6 pm. I was so hungry by that time so I wanted to save time by drugging you for only 20 min. When you left your office, I told my men to stall you so I could get down from the 18th floor. I was waiting for 2 1/2 hours but now that I think about it, I should've just ate because look at us now." He explained.

"First of all, I wouldn't have been here in the first place if it weren't for you Sir. All this for a dinner. You really could've just asked." I said sternly. "Also, you deserve that busted head because how are you going to get your car bullet proof but not accident proof?," I nagged.

Kai scoffs. "It sounds like you're worried about me."

I pressed his wound on his head. "You wish."

He chucked and I even got a smirk out of him.

"You would've said no if I asked." He looped back to the dinner topic.

"And what about it," I said with sass. "Then we both would've just went home and I'd be laying in my bed in peace."

"Don't worry." He stated. "My men will find us no matter what. We'll be home in no time and pick up where we left off. We can both lay in your bed in peace." He said with a big grin.

I jokingly smacked his arm and he winched in pain. His stomach growled really loud and we both bursted out laughing.

"I'm hungry as fuck. I think I'm more mad about that and all of this." He chuckled.

I let out a small giggle. "Shut up." I joked.

His reassurance made me feel safe even though we were in an unknown place with an unknown future.

We heard chatter of the men coming back and we got back into our positions. Kai went back to fake sleeping and I laid back against the car and closed my eyes as if I was also sleeping.

"Hurry! Yelled the man from outside the van. "We have to get these two to Japan." Commanded one of the men.


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