Chapter 23

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A charcoal Ford Explorer weaved effortlessly through curving streets lined with expensive houses. Each residence had ample distance between itself and its neighbor, very unlike the accommodation where Agent Shadow and (Name) lived. None of the exteriors looked to have any flaws-the driveways and lawns were excellently kept clear of snow, roofs as well were brushed off, windows were washed and left with a shine, and not a single sign of peeling paint could be distinguished. Practically the definition of a perfect neighborhood, the current population kept up appearances to a T according to their residency guideline. At one of these homes, a brilliant structure of white paint and blue trim, the wandering vehicle pulled into the driveway.

The week had ended, and it was a lovely Saturday morning nearing noon. Shadow the Hedgehog and his young charge had tolerated each other's company for three days, being shut up together in their small military base housing on the last day when the weather got rough. The blizzard had lessened, now just a light dusting of snow fell from the clouds, and they, along with the rest of society, quickly found new ways in which to occupy themselves.

Shadow set the vehicle into park, the engine continued to rumble. He eyed the house in front of him with undisguised suspicion and turned to the girl beside him. "Call me when you are ready to be picked up. I have to talk with Child Protective Services; they've requested a meeting with me and it might take a couple of hours. I don't want to pick you up if you're not ready to leave. Do you remember my number?"

"Yeah," said (Name), "it's in my phone. You're the only contact I have, so there's no way I'm going to lose it. What are you guys going to talk about? I thought we were all done with the legal stuff and now we just hang out until you have to go back to work. Oh, and what am I going to do when you're at work? I'm not restarting school, am I? It's already February. Will I be forced to come into work with you again?"

Sighing into his palms, the black hedgehog's ears twitched irritably. "Why must you have so many damn questions? Do what I say and don't question it-it's that easy." With his thumbs he massaged his eyes, already getting the headache he had expected to come at the start of the meeting. Fixing the wearisome child with a hard stare, he pointedly unlocked the car doors. "If, for some reason, you happen to lose my phone number, Sonic certainly has it. Call me when you are ready, but, don't wait until it's too dark out. The roads are much more difficult to navigate at night."

Not waiting for an answer, Shadow jumped outside and snatched (Name)'s wheelchair from the trunk, helping her into it and pushing it toward the porch steps. He carried the girl and her chair to the front door and pressed the doorbell, disappearing in a hasty flash to his car. The meeting with Child Protective Services commenced at noon, and Shadow was already behind schedule. He retreated from the driveway and gassed it down the street. When Sonic met the (hair color) haired human at the door, it was as if the agent hadn't been there at all.

"How's it going, (Name)? Shadow just up and left you on my porch step, huh? What a caring father figure. I might as well adopt you myself." The blue hedgehog winked, snickering after. "Nah, I wouldn't do that. That'd be weird. Anyway, come on in. Tails and Amy are here, and I think it won't be long for Knuckles to arrive. He should've been here an hour ago, but he lives pretty far away, so I'm not blaming him." Stepping to the side, Sonic held the door open for (Name) as she rolled herself in.

The atmosphere was warm and welcoming inside the home. Chattering of young voices came from down the hall, where (Name) headed to. She entered, seeing an orange fox sitting on a couch with a controller in hand, the game that played on the television going unnoticed as he spoke with a pink hedgehog leaning over a kitchen island halfway across the room. (Name) remembered hardly anything about the two, except that their first encounter had been soon after the death of her family and was therefore very awkward. She hoped this time wouldn't be the same. She would attempt conversation, instead of sitting quietly, ignored.

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