District 10 female

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Name: Mercy Abernathy

Age: 14

District: 10

Appearance: Mercy has medium length purple curly hair... some days its down others its up. She is short...and semi muscular. She has blue eyes and is plastered in freckles. She is a long lost relative of Haymitch and the crazy gene has yet to disappear.

Personality: Mercy is district tens crazy. She believes that she can rule the world...starting with her district. She has a couple siblings and if anyone ever messes with them...well they seriously regret it. She can fight pretty well (all world dominaters have to be able to fight off current leaders). The district doesn't allow her to do any jobs for fear that she'll kill the animals. Mercy enjoys sharp objects and flame, so much in fact that once a foolish district member gave her a match and she found a way to burn down the Justice Building.

Weapon of Choice: Mercy believes that the long lost stories of 'Shadowhunters' are true, therefore her weapon of choice is a Seraph blade. That is her preferred weapon. Although she enjoys any sharp object. (Or as seen above--flame)

District token: A flammable leaf from her family's favorite tree

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