District 9 female

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Name: Cheshire Sybil (Chess is her nickname)

District: 9

Age: 15

Appearance: Chess has short brown hair that shoots in all directions around her head, much to her displeasure like fur... yes... fur. it's very soft as well, i would recommend giving her a pat on the head for yourself except for the teeny tiny issue of her sharp nails and sharp teeth that she wont hesitate to use. She's about average height and is a very compact child with the perfect amount of body fat. she has freckles that sprinkle all across her nose and the tops of her cheeks. her skin is very pale, a vampire esc. tone if you ask me. and her eyes are big, deep, and impossibly blue. her limbs are long and sinewy with muscle, her fingers long and lady like. altogether her appearance is that of a rich, elegant, innocent, girly child.

Personality: The perfect opposite of what her appearance is. she's pretty much the farthest you can get from lady like without accidentally falling out of the human race category and into the "raised by wolves" category. she has an unhealthy obsession with darkness and believes she will melt if she stays in direct sunlight for too long. she refers to everyone else as "creatures of light". Chess has never had a friend before because of her extremely ant- social behavior and doesn't understand people, and she's long since stopped trying to. it's miraculous she's not fat considering the level of laziness she posses, but when she gets riled up she has the speed of a demonic cheetah. watch out, she's an unpredictable sociopath on most occasions.

Weapon of Choice: daggers, she likes getting up close and personal with her victims ( has never killed anyone before but if she had she loves the sight of blood)

District token: a creepy skeletal doll named Josephine (Joey for short) nobody knows where it came from but some believe she may have stolen it from her younger five year old cousin. ..If you'll have me! ^-^ she wont be unreasonably crazy in the games

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