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Niall Horan is a member of famous boyband One Direction. But on that rainy day, when he finds that shoe box full of letters, everything comes rushing back.

Cassie Johansson is a young woman, who just finished her art studies and is starting her job as a photographer. But on that rainy day, when she finds that letter in her postbox, everything comes rushing back.

Hiya there ! I was working on a totally different story, but I think it's a bit too much for me and I'd better keep it in my head for the moment. Anyway, I just started this without a second thought, so here it is ! I can't promise anything for the updates, I guess I'll have to wait a bit and see how it goes to get a kind of update schedule. But I'll try my best !

Oh, and if there is any big mistake, tell me please. English is not my first language :)

Hope you'll enjoy it my little pineapples ! (yeah, cause pineapples are the best)

This Song Is About You - Niall Horan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now