july 24th, 2017

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Different shades of blue flashed by.

Light, dark, light, dark, light, dark.

The wind whipped me around like a ragdoll. One moment I felt weightless, the next, I felt like the heaviest mountain in the world rested upon my shoulders. One moment I could breathe, the next, it's as if I'd been gut punched. One moment, I could think, the next, everything was fuzzy and unclear. One moment, I felt nothing, the next...

I felt everything.

And then I was on a stage.

I was looking out, I could see all the people singing back at me. All of the people that had saved me, the reason I worked so hard.

But it wasn't a comforting feeling this time. No, it was terrifying. The weren't singing, they were screaming.

Their shrill voices haunted the air, flying like spears into my head. They weren't screaming out of excitement, they were screaming out of anger.

I had failed them. I couldn't write a song, I couldn't make a beat, I was stuck...

They had saved me, but I couldn't save them. It was all my fault...

"P-please, I can do better—"

But the volume of the screaming pressed louder and louder, until my brain felt like is was melting out of my ears. I fell to the floor in a puddle, and I felt a scream of my own tear through all the others.

One voice stood out from the rest.

"Tyler!" It shouted.

My body shook, my scream died out as my throat became raw. But the sound of the crowd persisted.

"Ty!" The voice came again. "Wake up!"

I hesitated. The sounds of the arena died out.

"Tyler! Are you alright, bud?"

Wait, that was—

"Josh?" I groaned, fluttering my eyes open. He stood over me, a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, what's up? You were mumbling a lot in your sleep."

I sat up and looked around at my room. Everything was a mess; there were clothes on the floor, blankets strewn about, and crumpled up sheets of paper in random places. I sighed.

"Bad dream," I answered.

Josh nodded. "You want to talk about it?"

I shook my head. "It's not important, just a dream."

He nodded. "Well, I was thinking that today we could take a break. Y'know, rest up a bit. You've seemed overworked lately."

I stood, shaking my head. "No, absolutely not. I need to keep working. How am I supposed to get this done if I sit around all the time?"

Josh took a step back. "Tyler, look at yourself. You have huge bags under your eyes, you haven't gotten a haircut since after Tour de Columbus... You're wearing yourself out." He had a look of concern on his face.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "No, no. I can't stop now. I have to start soon, I'll run out of time."

Josh sighed. "That's what I thought you'd say." He looked at me, shaking his head. "Which is why I asked [y/n] to come over."

I cocked an eyebrow. "Why?"

He scoffed. "Because I know you'd drop anything to hang out with her."

I began to protest, but he interrupted. "I don't want to hear your excuses. She'll be over at 10. You should probably take a shower, too, you look like hell."

And with that, he sauntered out of my room. I sat down with an exasperated sigh.

Well, he was right about that.

I would drop everything to hang out with her.

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