Chapter 9

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Negan's POV:

It's been a couple weeks and Athena's getting her cast off today. Thankfully we've not had any shit with Rick the Prick lately.

It's about midday in the infirmary and Athena's on my knee whilst Carson is taking her cast off. "That's my brave girl." I kissed my little girl's head. "She's gotta take it easy for a few days as her arm will be weak for a while." Carson told us. "Tank oo." Athena said quietly.

We left the infirmary and Athena started yawning like crazy - she's due her midday nap. "You tired baby?" I asked her quietly. She nodded, rubbing her eyes. "Let's go put you down for your nap darling."

We got back to our room and I laid Athena down. I kissed her on her head and cooed "you go to sleep baby." I wrapped my little girl up and almost instantly she fell asleep. I gotta go work for a bit. I hate leaving my baby girl. But I'm gonna lock the door so nobody can get in.

I was outside a good hour before the Saviours and trucks came back from a scavenge. They were going through to me with what they managed to find. When I went to another truck I heard gunshots. Then I heard "I want Negan!" It was Carl. I walked over whistling my usual tune. "You look scary as shit with that gun!" I smirked. My men walked towards Carl and he shot them both and got down off the truck. Dwight tackled Carl to the ground and pointed a gun at him. "That is not how we greet our guests!" I yelled and Dwight moved back. I put my hand out to help Carl up, after a minute or so he reluctantly took it. "Looks like I won't get to fuck any of my wives today." I grunted

I took Carl to the wives quarters. Everyone was lounging around, except Sherry who was comforting a crying Amber. I leant over to Carl. "I know. You might wanna look at their titties. I won't mind and they won't mind." I looked at Sherry comforting Amber. "Can I speak to you dear wife?" And I pointed to the bar. I got myself a beer and asked what happened between Amber and Mark. "What we talk about when you ain't here is none of your business. Just don't be hard on her." She said. "I've never hit one of you girls have I?" Sherry shook her head then called me an asshole. I then grinned and kissed her, which she returned. Dwight, Carl and Daryl all witnessed this.

I put the beer bottle in Carl's hand and sat in front of Amber. I told her that if she doesn't wanna stay she doesn't have to, but she knows not to cheat on me. So if she wanted to go back to Mark and her mom, I'd get her a job with them. She quickly declined and said she only loves me. I smirked and got up. "Get the iron ready Dwight, time for a bit of de Ja vu." I said and then lead Carl out of the quarters.

We walked in silence when we headed back to my room. As soon as I opened the door I heard Athena's happy voice. "Dada!" She smiled. I lifted my baby girl up off the bed and kissed her cheek. "There's my number one girl. How's your arm baby?" "Stiww hurt bit." She said quietly and then she saw Carl. "Umm are all those women really-" "My wives? Yep! Why fuck one woman when you can fuck as many as you want?" I laughed and Carl just remained quiet. Athena giggled. "Sit. I wanna get to know you." I said as I sat with Athena on my knee. Carl looked down into his lap. "I just can't do it. It's like talking to a birthday present. Take off the bandage kid." "No." "Two men! Punishment." Athena jumped at me shouting. "Sorry baby." I whispered, kissed her head and rubbed her back assuringly as she cuddled into my chest. Carl then slowly took off his bandage.  Where his right eye should be was just a hole. "Fucking hell thats disgusting! I can see your socket. I wanna touch it. Can I touch it?" I saw some tears roll down Carl's face. "Shit I was just messing around. It's easy to forget you're a kid. I'm sorry." There was a few minutes silent before I stood up with Athena in my arms. "Come on kid, it should be ready by now." "What should?" Carl asked. "The iron." I smirked.

I carried Athena down to the warehouse, with Carl following us. Once we got down there, everyone bowed and I gave them the usual speech of why we have rules and how they keep us alive. I carried Athena downstairs and placed her on the floor and crouched down. "You stay here darling, away from the fire and iron." She leant in and kissed my cheek and I gently rubbed hers with my thumb. I walked up to Mark who was tied in a chair. I put a heat protection glove on and grabbed the iron. "Now Mark this ain't nothing personal." I pressed it onto his face and he screamed. As did every other fucker in the warehouse; Sherry hugged Amber but my Athena just stood there smiling at me. I peeled the iron away from Mark's face and he passed out. "Shit he pissed himself. Now I'd expect my two year old to piss herself but she's just a baby. Daryl! Clean this up." I ordered as I picked up my baby girl. "Come on kid, let's go figure out what to do with you." I said to Carl.

Back in the room I sat Athena on my knee as I sorted some paperwork out, and Carl just sat awkwardly. "Dada, me have medicine pwease?" My Athena asked quietly. "Of course you can baby. Is your arm hurting?" Athena nodded sadly. I gave Athena some medicine and cuddled her a bit before carrying on with my paperwork. "Sing me a song Carl." I smirked. "I don't know what-" he stuttered. "Bullshit. What'd your mom sing you? What did your dad play in the car?" He then sung 'You are my sunshine.' "Your mom sing that to you? Where is she now?" I asked, but by the look on his face I knew she was dead.

After a few more minutes, he asked if he could wrap his face back up, which I denied. This of course pissed him off and he asked why I hadn't killed him, his dad or Daryl. I told him I had plans. He then told me to jump out of a window. Athena cuddled closer to me when she heard him say that. I got up and held Athena. "Come on kid. We're going for a drive."

That's chapter 9 guys! Hope y'all like it! If you love Negan as much as me well I have a cosplay page on Facebook, Insta and Twitter called Negan's Little Saviour! Feel free to check em out!

Also I'm free to suggestions too. For my other Negan fanfics too!

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