Chapter 4 || Of Theo James Lips and really nice butts

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Chapter 4 || Of Theo James Lips and really nice butts

I looked at the note, still clutching the list of items in the other hand. What the hell could Jack want? I huffed out a sigh, looked like I had plans for tonight, I guess I would have to put of the âruining my fathers life' on hold.

But wait, pause for a second. I looked back down at the note, and then at the bedside table⦠and then back to the note; how the freaking hell did this note end up in my room? Did Jack come in andâ¦. NO WAY! I canâÂÂt believe he did that! He seriously came into my room! My room! I mean come onnnnn, that is just not cool, it was just creepy. This little obsession that Jack had was a little bit over the top if I do say so myself. I mean it was just plain creapy. But then again, this note could be like possessed or something, and then for some weird ass reason it made its way up into my bedroom. Okay no, that didnâÂÂt happenâ¦

But whatever, I would just get mad at him later for coming into my room. Man that boy should have known better. It is one thing to annoy Four-leafed Clover Chesney, but it was another to come into her room without her consent.

And yes, in case you havenâÂÂt noticed already, I have a very strange name, like really really weird. My mom, for some weird reason thought that I was some sort of good luck charm⦠I, well I like to think that I am an unluck charm. If ya know what I mean.

I looked over at the clock, it was only mid afternoon. I still could do something concerning my father.

I started biting my lip, trying to think of something⦠what really was there to do? I didnâÂÂt even know what pushed LucaâÂÂs buttons, for all I know the guy might not even drink coffee, okay, nevermind, I already knew that he drank coffee. But really there wasnâÂÂt much else that I could think of⦠I mean I hadnâÂÂt really been living here all that long⦠and there is the fact that I hadnâÂÂt had much interaction with him.

I just couldnâÂÂt help it though, I mean who wants to spend time with people they didnâÂÂt like? Ugh, life was just annoying.

Suddenly a light bulb went off in my head. If I just took some of his money⦠he probably wouldnâÂÂt be all that happy⦠The guy leaves his wallet laying around the house. That was something he would notice.

I stuffed the papers into the pockets of my blue jeans and walked out of my room. I walked down the stairs with a quick pace, coming to the bottom where I could either head to the kitchen or the living room. I went to the living room first, and thank the good lord I got lucky. There sitting on the coffee table in the middle of the room was LucaâÂÂs wallet sitting alone in all its glory. I looked around the room once, just to make sure there was no one was in here. And then I made my way towards the wallet. Picking it up off the table I looked into  the pockets, JACKPOT! there in his wallet were three crisp twenty dollar bills.

Now for all of you who donâÂÂt live in Canada, there is this very interesting thing with our money. Well IâÂÂll just put it bluntly. We have scratch and sniff money. I am not even joking here. There is this little maple leaf on the side of our new bills, and if you scratch it it smells like maple syrup. ThatâÂÂs what the Canadian Government waists our tax dollars on I tell ya.

I took them out and slid them into my front pocket, turning around I started to head out of the room, but paused when I thought I heard someone moving away from the doorway. I walked out of the living room, but there was no one there. Shrugging my shoulders I made my way back up to my room.


I was laying half way off my bed. From my waist down was on the mattress, and the other half was hanging off. I personally find this very comfortable, you get all those kinks out of your back and stuff and it is just comfortable, although you can only do it for so long or too much blood will rush to your head. It was really sad, cause I couldnâÂÂt fall asleep in that position, I would probably end up killing myselfâ¦

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