Back to my own world?

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It's only one week before I go back to my own world. It's morning and I sit with mom at the kitchen table, Wooyoung is still asleep upstairs.

Mom: what are you going to do when you get back home?

Y/n: First I just want to see my family but I also feel like I should tell the world what I've learned about the people that dissapear.

Mom: Yes you told me you know that more people from your world dissapeared but how did you find out?

Y/n: When we were at our mission at the Mainland I met saw someone from my world she dissepeard after me and told me about it. she became our friend and helped us with the mission.

Mom: Why did you never tell me about her?

Y/n: because she left us to get back to our own world and Wooyoung really liked her so after that we just didn't talk about it.

Mom: so it happend more often that people get in other worlds?

Y/n: yes I think so, I want to find out if Youra got back in our own world or in an other.

Mom: do you think it's possible that people from this world also dissapear like you did?

Y/n: yes, on the Mainland there went a few people missing like me and youra did in our world so it can also happen here.

Mom: y/n a few months before you got here my oldest son went missing maybe he is in your world can you please try to find him.

Y/n: Wooyoung and me have an older brother?

Mom: yes, his name is Woosung and he's two years older than Wooyoung. He went missing after he and Wooyoung argued about Wooyoung being a pirate and he left the house. He did that often just walk out of the house when he and Wooyoung argued but that time he didn't come back home.

Y/n: I'll look for him.

after that mom decribed how he looked like and I try to form a image from him in my head. We stoped talking about it when we hear Wooyoung walking down the stairs.

Wooyoung: y/n are you ready for our trip?

Y/n: is this really necessary?

Wooyoung: yes you need some new clothes for the party the council organised for you.

The boys call this a mission but I think it's just stuppid. We are going to the Mainland to find clothes we wear to the party later this week. the only good thing about it is that mom will join us for the first time because she also needs new clothes for the party, it will also be her first time to get to the Mainland.

Mom: are you two ready?

It was oblivious that she's nervous.

Y/n: yes let's go I really want to show you around on our ship Atiny.

I take her hand and the three of us walk to the port. When we arrived the others are already on the ship.

Yeosang: don't tell me that you are late because Wooyoung?

Y/n: telling you anything else would be a lie.

Wooyoung: I did my best and normally I am one of the first.

Mingi: We told you to go home early why did you not listen?

Wooyoung: y/n also didn't listen.

Yeosang: yes but she's Always stand up early in the morning without trouble. and we are used to her not listening to anyone than herself.

Y/n: that's not true I sometimes do what you guys ask.

Mingi: yes I remember, we asked you to stay at the tree and you listened for a few minutes after that you just forgot about it and left the tree.

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