measure of time

91 23 13

measure of time


It seems like the clock is counting

its seconds, [tick]

minutes, [tock]

hours [tick]

and days [tock]

against me.

I rush and hustle

to keep up with time,

to grasp traces of now,

just missing them by

seconds, [tick]

minutes, [tock]

hours [tick]

and days [tock].

until they expand

into years

and a sequence of

un-experienced stories.

Is life an anagram for


a euphemism of

spilled possibilities?

Do I really dare to die

upon a pile of

blank pages?

I know I will gray,

but I want to gray

with a mouth full of


and a tale-teller tongue.

So let's wind the clock

once more and make

every second [tick]

count [tock]

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2014 ⏰

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