The Healing.

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And finally I did realise my worth after quite sometime.

I healed from this heart break.

If he didn't appreciate the time we had together why would I be the one to appreciate it? If he doesn't care about me why would I be the one to care and give my soul out into it? If he doesn't love me then he doesn't deserve my love back. I don't regret what happened, I took an experience from it not to trust anyone easily even if I know them since a long time, he made me feel worthless and nobody deserves to feel this way, everyone is beautiful in their own way, you don't ever need to be perfect to impress anyone in any way or make them love or want you, you don't. If they let go even if they knew you were so down for them then it's their loss not yours, they're the ones who lost you, they're the ones who let go of you when they knew they wouldn't find anyone to replace you. In time we all do realise our worth, realise it all in time, healing always needs time, ALWAYS needs time, high expectations aren't a bad thing at all, disappointments aren't bad either because that's a full experience to take and hold. I appreciate the good times with him, I always would because I am not him not like anyone else who doesn't appreciate shit at all, kinda sad upsetting but that heart break was from one side, he's fine and I am perfectly fine at this moment after deep thoughts deep realisations.
Everyone deserves to be loved and love as well and have a healthy happy love and I will find that sooner or later I will, it's not the end of the world.
There will be the good days, there will be the bad days, there will be the ups, there will be a lot of downs and at the end we all forget what happens at the end and happily move on. There's a lot of good people out there and they will come along soon. Just in time. Time heals everything.
Life's good, we can have a lot of bad days doesn't mean there won't be amazing days.
whoever went through a heartbreak and felt worthless and any of that it's fine, we all get to overthinking points where we cry our eyes out but then you'll sit and realise it's their loss and never yours, they're the toxic ones because you were able to do everything possible for them and their happiness and they knew it and took you for granted used you for their own benefit you still were there loving them and dying for them when they gave you zero reasons to fall for them.
I'm happy with who I am and I'm thankful for everything happened, even thankful for the heartbreak he caused me it made me who I am today, it made me realise my worth even more and not do the same mistake twice.

You deserve someone who's so damn sure about you. Someone who would be down for you the same way you are down for them, someone who would do everything possible for you. Someone who makes you feel loved and wanted and mostly appreciated and respected.

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