Thought being away from you will help.

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I cried myself out. To my friends. To sleep. Because of him. And he is totally fine without me.
He called me by night asking how I am and asking to go out on a date with my friend, disrespectful isn't he.
I acted cool and played it all cool even if my heart is shattered.
Days were passing and he wasn't calling or even bothering to leave a single message. I was missing him, so much. From Sunday till Wednesday he didn't bother to till I did, I wanted to call and ask about how he is doing. He ignored my call and left me on seen. Woah. Is that how annoyed you are from me? Is that how much you don't care about me?
I removed him off my social media. 3 days later till he noticed and messaged me throwing blame on me for removing him. He was treating me so poorly so low, like i'm n o t h i n g.
I told him if he cares enough he will know why.
He replied "Is that because I didn't answer your call?"
I said "you honestly think this is the only reason?!"
He was like: "Yeah that's the only thing I did and the only reason I know."
I replied: "If that's the only reason you know then why you didn't answer? when I only wanted to ask about you?"
He answered: "I had my own reasons  you can say "I was busy""
I replied: "Woah didn't knew 2 minutes of your dayS was going to disturb your business."
He was like: "I said I have my own reasons!"
I replied: " am i supposed to apologize for wanting to ask about you? because I won't. you make a big deal out of everything when i've been doing nothing but appreciating you. I have been feeling so shitty and you are the reason why."
He replied with: " I never asked you to apologize, I said I have my own reasons! Plus this isn't the first time I do this, that's just me and you know it. Anyhow you took your decision! Just try to handle the decisions you took."
I was busy so I didn't immediately answer so what he did he moved my messages to the ignored messages where he can see what I sent but I can't see he saw it, basically punishing me after all the shit he put me through. How heartless. I still didn't knew that.
I replied to him with: "you don't want to see me you don't want to call me you don't want to answer my phone calls, the hell is your issue with me what did i ever even do to you? i started to doubt my fucking self thinking i am the problem here but i am not. you made me feel so shit about myself in many ways. have you ever even thought to yourself how is she feeling? no because all you care about is yourself and i truly don't deserve that. when i kept on telling you how much you mean to me not for you to take that for granted and talk to me whenever you want, drop me whenever you want. i've been so down for you just for you to feel like you can be yourself around me and I WAS CHANGING of myself because whatever i did or said you'd just point out at it all the time yet i was like it's fine all what mattered to me is you being happy and seeing this person after a long time. i wish the old you would come back at least with the people who deserve it. you've been treating me like an absolute crap and i wouldn't say a word about it till now because i am fed up with your treatment towards me. i'm mad and upset because i deeply care mohammad and i can grantee you nobody would ever care for you the way i do. you wanna see this dramatic you don't wanna read it the choice is yours i said what i had to say and if you bothered yourself to read then thank you and that's not overthinking or bringing up scenarios as you'd say no that's what i've been feeling."
I was wondering for two days why he wasn't seeing my message till I discovered what he did. 5 days and he didn't even care to say he's sorry even if he knows he destroyed me emotionally and mentally.

He broke my heart, to pieces.

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