Who the Hell is Daisy?

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The car touched down in front of the base. Tensions were high between Ron and Hermione.

"The wedding ceremony will be starting soon. Everyone has been running around all day to get it ready." Couslon climbed out of the car.

"Will there be any time to catch up with everyone before hand?" I asked.

"No," said Coulson. "After would be better. You have a lot to catch up on."

An uneasy feeling settled in my stomach.

"Woah," said Hermione, Ron and Harry.

I looked up at the base and smiled. The moddled it after HQ.

"Cool, isn't it," I said.

We walked through the doors, passing agents on the way. I was happy to see so many stayed loyal to SHIELD after all the "Scandels"

"What are we walking into?" asked Hermione as we approached a long glowing white stick of light in the middle of a locked room. I would have asked myself if she had not asked first.

"It's a long story," said Coulson.

"Which I will learn about later," I said pointedly.

Coulson nodded, and we stepped through the light. When we got to the other side, we were in a forest.

"Blimey," said Harry. Ron was just staring opened mouthed. Hermione has that twinkle in her eye that meant she was not leaving until she knew exactly how this worked.

"Don't you go to a magic school?" said Coulson.

"Er— Yes," said Harry.

"What's that got to do with anything?" asked Ron.

Coulson shrugged. "I just thought you would be used to this stuff."

I looked around, and about fifty yards in front of us, was Simmons in a wedding dress. May and Skye were positioned as brides maids, and two other men I didn't know were positioned as groomsmen.

"I am going to go get Fitz," said Coulson. "Keep your friends out of trouble."

"He's not as scary as I thought he would be," commented Hermione once Coulson left.

"Coulson couldn't be scary if he tried," I laughed. "Even when his is attacking someone, it's May who is scary."

Harry looked around awkwardly. "Should we go—say hullo to people?"

"It's best if we stay here until after the wedding," I said. "Once the ceremony has started we can get closer."

I few moments later, Fitz in a blue suit came out with Coulson. We hurried to the back of the guests as Fitz walked down the aisle. They looked so in love.

"Wow, you look stunning," said Fitz quietly.

Jemma but her lip and chuckled. "I'm pinned into this thing in thirty different places. It was the only wedding dress at a second hand shop apparently. They couldn't find you a kilt?"

Fitz looked down at himself, then realized she was joking. "Um, no."

Coulson walked to the place of the preacher. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today for a moment we all knew was coming. Some of us for longer than these two did."

I laughed, a big smile on my face. These two deserved to be so happy.

"And I think we can all agree that to wait one second to do this is tempting fate. All in favor?"

"Aye!" We all chorused

"So alright," said Coulson. "Time for the exchanging of the vows, I guess."

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