Long Live the King

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T'Challa wasn't at breakfast the next morning. I glanced around, and noticed Okoye was gone as well.  It looked like nobody was going to mention their absence, and I sure as hell wasn't. Coming from me it would seem kinda stalker ish.

Shuri and her mom got up and the same time.

"Royal greeting," she explained.

I smiled to show I understood, and went back to eating my eggs.

Later that day, I was lounging in my room, when Shuri texted me. I opened the text, and a video played where T'Challa kicked his own suit, and flew across the room.

"Delete that!" he spluttered breathlessly.

I laughed heartedly, and saved the video.

'Actual art' I texted Shuri.

This had been the summer I had received the most mail and texts. partly because I actually had time to answer them. Coulson and I would have the occasional phone call, but he made it a point to talk about SHIELD as little as possible.

I grabbed the letter off the owl that had appeared by my window. Then shooed it away, telling it to come back tomorrow.

Dear Kendra,

The Weasleys, Harry and I are going to Diagon Ally  this weekend. We would love it if you could meet us there. Mrs. Weasley also told me to invite you to stay until school starts.


Crumpled the letter and went to find Shuri who was with her brother. I found her in a dressing room. She was with her brother and some other women.

"This corset is stabbing me," Shuri complained. "Must I wear it?"

"It's tradition," her brother said good naturedly.

Shuri rolled her eyes.

"Sup." I walked into the room.

"Witchy, can you believe this corset?"

"Looks uncomfortable."

The woman gave me a strange look, but didn't ask who I was.

"So," I glance at T'Challa. "I know this isn't a great time with you about to be crowned King and all."

T'Challa raised an eyebrow.

"But," I continued. "I was just invited to stay at the Weasleys' for the next few weeks, and I am going to meet them in two days when I get my school supplies."

"Will your parents be alright with it?"

"Totally, I've done it before."

T'Challa shrugged as if to say, it's your life.

"I better pack then." I shoved my hand awkwardly in my pockets. "Have fun at the coronation."

They blinked at me.

I opened my mouth realizing what I said, but darted out the door.

"Have fun?" I heard T'Challa repeat, while Shuri laughed in the background. "She makes it sound like we are going to a party."

I packed my things, cheeks still flushed from embarrassment. That had to be the dumbest thing I have ever said. Dumbest thing mind you, not reckless. Reckless sounds cool like, 'Oh I said something reckless and really stuck it to the man." Not, "I told a King to have fun at his coronation day where he may have to fight to the Death with someone."

"How are you going to get there?" asked Shuri after I had said my goodbyes in the dining room.

"I jump in the fire, duh," I joked as I threw Floo powder on their fireplace. I picked up my bags and walked towards it.

"Are you serious?"

"Bye." I jumped into the fire.

I popped out of the fire place in the middle of Fred and George's shop.

"I wonder how I ended up in this dump," I said sarcastically.

"Kendra!" exclaimed Ginny and Hermione. I was engulfed in hugs from the girls.

"A dump?" said Fred, dramatically placing a hand over his chest. "Did she call our glorious shop a dump?"

"I believe she did Fred. I guess we will have to give her the Grand Tour to prove her wrong."

I laughed and dropped my bags, hugging them both.

I swiveled my head around. There were shelves stocked to the teeth with colorful candy that had colorful names attached to them. The store was pretty busy, and I was surprised they had the time to show us around.

"The shop really does look amazing."

"She does have trouble making up her mind, doesn't she, George?"

I turned around and came face to face with Ron and Harry.

"How have you been Harry?" I tried to keep the concern out of my voice.

"Fine," was his short reply.

"Did you play and Quidditch at the Weasleys?" I asked, trying a s after topic.

His face lit up more. "We even got Hermione to play."

I turned to Hermione. "Is that true?"

"She wasn't very good though." Ron leaned against a shelf.

"Come on, Harry, Kendra, I'll give you a tour." Fred said.

"It's alright," I smiled. "I want to catch up with everyone first."

We stayed quiet while we watched the twins and Harry walk away.

"How was SHIELD?" asked Ginny curiously.

I shoved my hands in my pockets. "I was actually staying with some of SHIELDS allies in Wakanda this summer."

"Wakanda? That sounds cool," commented Ron, who had no idea what Wakanda was or that it existed.

"Thanks for all your birthday presents by the way," I said.

"You're welcome," they chorused. Finally Harry came back.

"So are we going to go shopping or what?" I asked.

We stepped outside to leave, and noticed Draco hurrying along the street alone.

"Gave his mother the slip I reckon," remarked Ron.

"I wonder why?" muttered Hermione. Something sparked in Harry's eye and I wanted to slap everyone.

"Get under here, quick," said Harry, pulling his Invisibility Cloak out of his bag. "Oh — I don't know, Harry," said Hermione, looking uncertainly toward Mrs. Weasley. Who hadn't left the twins shop yet.

"No," I said firmly.

"Come on," said Ron.

"I am not stalking my ex!" I snapped.

"It's not-" started Harry.


He frowned. "Fine."

And they all disappeared.


So I know it's been forever, but school this year has just been taking up all my time. I might be able to update again soon.

Forever and Always,


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