Ch.1 Basic Training

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Okay, congratulations you managed to get this far without death!

For real though your first lesson will be on basic writing skills...Now students/Adults/ Future Authors pay attention to the next few words.

-Basic writing skills needed-

know when you make a spelling error. I know you probably think what the hell? Right? Yes but seriously what everybody enjoys is a well spelled story.

In my opinion its sooooooooo annoying when i am reading a good story but the grammer/spelling is terrible.

For example: choose the better excerpt.

1) she ran threw the trees dirt flew in her face as she push on then all the suddin a rock pop out of nowere


2) She ran through the large trees, dirt flying in her face. Fear keep her aching feet going, charging on. She blinked her eyes, attenpting to remove the dirt only to stumble to the cold ground.

Now i really hope you guys picked #2...if for some insane reason you felt like #1 was better...stay after class today child.

NEXT is the grammer.

For your sake and mine, please use proper grammer. In the story world, books are like sex. Its real great until you get bad grammer. The bad grammer is like a mnajor turn off for almost all readers. My point is if you have bad grammer in your story nobody will want to read it!

Okay so hopefully you get my point in todays lesson, Grammer/spelling matters. The good thing about this lesson is that it can help you no matter what type of story you are writing!

Wow can it really studmuffin?

Why yes young one, the power of grammer and spelling allows readers of any story to better understand the meaning of your words.

And how you ask?


If for some case you do, met me and the student who felt #1 was the answer after class.

Now children, i do hope you learned the importance of the basics. Tommorows lesson will be starting tips for writing a Werewolf story. Also your Homework for tonight would be...Drum roll please....Practice your GRAMMER/SPELLING! TAH DAH. ~.~




Love yall! -Stud

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