(Ch 10.) Whatshername 1 and 2

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Brian's POV:

They rocked my world at first sight.

"Woah, I'm so sorry." Said the short mexican. Man she looked like she belonged in high school.

"Me too." Said the taller one. She was so beautiful.

"Well I'm Bri-" Oh my god the two girls are wearing matching A7x t-shirts. They're fans.

"OH MY GOD!" They looked at eachother and squealed with delight. Oh no. Here comes the autographs and signing.

"Well, nice to meet you, Syn but we have to go. Call us some time." The taller one said. They gave me their phone numbers.

Their faces are unforgettable. They never told me their names. They are Whatshername 1 and 2.

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