The Truth About Emily

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Hey guys, I'm sorry about the slow updates, but I've been super busy with school and evil homework. Plus, I've been enjoying the nice weather that.

But now that it's Spring Break, I'm finally free of homework and school, and can do some updates this weekend. 😉😊😎Enjoy the chapter and please comment.

And, since I still feel horrible about keeping you all waiting so long for an update, I'm posting another new chapters ASAP. Sorry if they are terrible.

Everything seemed to be getting better. Nya was no longer mad at Kai, Jay's mech was almost fully operational, and Garmadon was still stuck in bed with a cold. The real trouble now was Emily.

They weren't sure if it was just Nya's identity that she learned. For all they knew, she could know all their identities and just be using Jay to try and learn more about them. But they just had one small problem. They couldn't find a way to know for sure.

They decided not to tell Jay, just in case they were wrong and Emily was actually good. Plus, they didn't want to tip Emily off by Jay not seeing her or Jay asking her questions about them.

Everything was peaceful until Friday. The ninja were putting all Jay's weapons back into his mech when his phone rang. He answered it and walked away from his mech. After about five minutes, he can back, a smile on his face.

"Who was that?" Kai asked, noticing Jay's smile.

"That was Emily, she says that she wants to hang out tonight." Jay told him and the others.

Everyone looked at each other with serious faces. Jay hadn't mentioned Emily for a while, so it was a bit of a surprise that she wanted to hang out with him tonight.

"Is there a specific thing you two are going to do?" Cole asked him.

"She says she has a surprise for me, and that it will be amazing." Jay told them while he was wiring his mech.

"Did she give you any hints?" Nya asked, acting like she didn't think to much of it, when really she was freaking out inside.

"Just that it was one the far side on Ninjago." Jay said.

All the other ninja gave each other a look and knew they were all thinking the same thing. They totally needed to follow Jay and keep an eye on him and Emily.

That evening, after training, the other ninja followed Jay to see what Emily was up to. They stayed in the shadows so Jay didn't know that they were following him.

It took a little while, but Jay finally got to the far side of Ninjago, with the ninja following him closely. They watched as Jay walked over to Emily.

"Hey Emily." They heard Jay say.

"Hey Jay, how's it going?" She asked.

"Great, but sorry I'm a little bit late. I had to finish something before I got here." Jay replied.

"That's okay, you're here now and I came give you your surprise." Emily said excitedly.

"Ohhh, what is it?" Jay asked.

"Follow me and you shall see." Emily said, with a large smile, as she took his hand and pulled him with her.

"That doesn't sound good." Kai said.

"Agreed." Zane said.

They quietly followed them to where they were going. Emily seemed to be leading Jay to the jungle. There weren't any people around so there was no one around to see anything.

Finally, Emily stopped pulling Jay. She looked at him and asked, "Are you ready for the surprise?"

Jay shook his head excitedly.

"Okay, stand right here and close your eyes." Emily said as she walked away.

The ninja decided to get closer to Jay. They quietly walked towards him and hid in the bushes right next to him.

Unfortunately, Jay heard something in the bushes and decided to investigate. "Who's there?" He asked, trying to sound brave, but was really a little bit scared.

Jay bent down to see what was in the bushes, and found the others. "What are you guys doing here?" He asked.

The others looked at each other, unsure of what to say. Lloyd sighed and said, "We came here to keep an eye on you and Emily."

Before Jay could respond, they all heard a loud snapping sound above them. They looked up in time to see a large cage fall over them and trap them.

"Okay, I did not see this coming." Jay said.

Just then, Emily came back and smirked at the sight she saw. Everyone turned to her.

"Hello, ninja." She said, a smirk still on her face. "I hope you're enjoying your accommodations."

"What are you up to Emily?" Nya asked.

"I'm so happy you asked, Nya." Emily said. "You see it all started-"

"Really?" Cole said, interrupting Emily.

Emily looked at him, confused for a moment then asked, "What?"

"You're monologue? Isn't that a little cliché?" He asked.

Emily simply responded by, "It's not a monologue, I'm simply explaining my evil plans and rubbing it in your faces."

"You just defined monologues." Zane said.

"Anyway, I'll cut to the chase since you're all inpatient." Emily said. "I've been hired by Garmadon's general number one to make sure the ninja, that's you six, don't get in the way next time Garmadon tries to take over Ninjago, which should be at midnight tonight."

"Wait, I thought Garmadon was stuck in bed with a cold?" Lloyd said. "And did you tell him our identities?"

"He's over it now, and no, I didn't tell him your identities." Emily answered. "Anyway, I knew that I had to gain one of the ninja's trust, so I chose the weakest ninja." She turned to Jay and said, "That would be you."

Jay had a hurt and shocked look on his face. It was like someone just stabbed him in the heart for no reason.

"So, all that time, you were just using me?" Jay asked, although he already knew the answer.

"Yes, I never liked you Jay. You're the weakest and most pathetic ninja to ever live." Emily said and started to walk away, but looked at Jay one last time and said, "By the way, I hate the color blue." She then walked away, leaving five very angry ninja, and one heartbroken one.

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