Attack at School

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Garmadon's forces were everywhere. This happened every time he tried to conquer Ninjago. Garmardon would choose a specific area of the city and tried to distract the ninja with saving people while he tried to get to Ninjago City Hall.

"So where's Garmardon attacking today?" Kai asked from his fire mech. Lloyd and Jay looked around the city to see where most of Garmadon's army was, and they didn't like where they were today.

"They're at the school!" Lloyd yelled through his communicator. All the ninja were now worried.

Sure, their classmates could be mean to them, especially to Lloyd, but that didn't mean that they wanted them to get hurt. They quickly raced to the school in their mechs, hoping to save their classmates.

It was a mess at the school. They saw the army trying to take the students and teachers, but they were all running around and away from Garmadon's forces. It was crazy.

"Okay Lloyd, what's the plan?" Cole asked through his communicator.

"Well, Garmardon is trying to distance us, again, so half of us stay here and protect the students and teachers, and the other half of us will face Garmadon." Lloyd said. Immediately, Lloyd took off to face his father, along with Nya and Kai, leaving Jay, Cole, and Zane to help the students and the teachers.

They all beat the goons quickly, which allowed all the students and teachers to get away from the school, but the mechs were another story. Cole and Zane took the ones on the ground, while Jay took the ones in the sky. Garmadon's forces were tough, but the ninja's mechs were tougher.

Suddenly, Jay's mech got hit by one of the lasers from the other mechs. He was falling and fast, and crashed. He wasn't badly hurt, but it looked like his mech wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

"Hands up Lighting Ninja." Jay heard someone say to him. He raised his hands in the air and turned to see two of Garmadon's goons pointing their weapons at him.

"Should we take him to Garmadon, or shoot him?" The second goon asked.

"I say we shoot him," The first goon said, and aimed his gun at Jay. Just when the first goon was about to shoot Jay, he got hit over the head. Jay was surprised to see a familiar blonde haired girl had hit a goon over the head with a chair and used said chair to hit the other one.

"Are you okay?" Emily asked, looking at him then his mech.

"Yeah, thanks for saving me, but why aren't you with the other students?" Jay asked, as they hid behind a large piece of rubble.

"I saw you fall out of the sky, so I thought you might be hurt."She said. "That, and I have no idea where to go, it's my first day here."

Jay felt his cheeks get hot, and thought, 'She cares about me.' He then said, "Thank you, now let's get you somewhere safe."

"But what about your teammates?" She asked, "Won't they wonder where you are."

Jay thought about this for a moment. He could try and see if his communicator in his mech was still working, but more forces could show up and threaten Emily. He decided to tell her the risk and see if she would agree.

After explaining the idea and the dangers of it, Emily said, "Then let's do it, it's worth the risk."

She and Jay snuck their way over to his broken mech and found his communicator. Jay quickly got ahold of Lloyd.

"Green Ninja, this is Lightning Ninja, do you copy?" He asked, careful not to use his or Lloyd names, so Emily wouldn't know it was him.

"I copy, is something wrong?" He heard Lloyd asked from the other end.

"Yeah, my mech is down, and Garmadon's forces are still here at the school, and I'm with a civilian, can you send the others?" Jay asked, hoping they weren't busy.

"We're all pretty busy, find a spot where you'll both be safe, and we'll come as soon as we're done, over and out." Lloyd said.

"Well, this is just how I imagined my first day." Emily said to Jay sarcastically.

"It could have been worse," Hay said, grabbing her hand and pulling her under another large piece of rubble.

"Yeah, you're right. At least I made two new friend today." Emily said, smiling at the ninja. Jay smiled back at her, blushing under his mask.

"Who was the other friend?" He asked, wanting to know what she thought of him.

"He's this amazing and sweet boy, and he's super cute too." Emily said, blushing. Jay felt like his face was on fire. She was talking about him.

Just then, they heard what sounded like a hundred missiles get fired at something. Emily looked frightened, while Jay was calm, he knew exactly what that sound was.

"What was that?" Emily asked, squeezing his arm very tightly.

"It's okay, it's just the Green Ninja defeating Garmadon, we're safe." He said. Emily released her death grip on his arm and calmed down.

They then heard shouting and saw that Garmadon was closer than they thought. They could heard what he was saying.

"You win this time Green Ninja," He yelled, then sneezed and coughed at the same time. "But once I get over this cold, which will probably be a week or two, I'll come back and conquer Ninjago."

With that, Garmadon retreated from the city, but he had caused some pretty bad damage this time. The school looked like it was about ready to fall to the ground, at least what was left of the school.

"Well, I survived my first Garmadon attack." Emily said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Thank you for saving my life." Jay said to her.

"Hey, it was no problem," she said with a smiling, but it quickly turned into a frown. "I'm sorry about you mech." She said, gesturing the broken mech that looked totally destroyed.

"It's alright, I've always wanted to make some modifications to it." He said, trying to cheer her up. She once again smiled at him.

"I'd better get going, I hope we met again." She said, walking towards where the other students ran.

"Okay, bye." Jay said, watching her walk away. He could suppress a very large smile. His mech was destroyed, but he couldn't care less. He had an amazing new friend.

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