True Colors

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Hey guys, new chapter. I hope you enjoy it. Sorry it's so short but I've been working on something else. That plus homework. Enjoy the chapter and please comment. 😉😊

Nya followed Emily through the city, watching her every step. She didn't feel bad for spying on Emily. After all, she didn't even know that much about her.

She had ditched her disguise when she left the theater, since she thought she didn't need to wear it since Jay was gone, and was wearing her normal everyday clothes.

She watched as Emily walked into a dark alley. 'Suspicious much?' Nya thought as she peaked into the alley. She was surprised when she didn't see Emily anywhere. She decided to walk into the alley to see where she went.

Once Nya was halfway though the alley, she heard something behind her. She turned and saw Emily, with a smirk on her face.

"Hello Nya," Emily said, walking slowly towards her. There was something different about Emily. She wasn't acting like the sweet, shy, charming girl she was at karaoke. There was something almost, villainess about her now.

"Emily, why are you in this alley?" Nya asked, not taking her eyes off the other girl, who was only about halfway to her.

"I think the real question is, why are you following me, Nya?" Emily asked, now right in Nya's face.

Nya had to think quick, so she wouldn't know she was spying on her and Jay. "I just saw you and thought I'd say hi." Nya said as casually as she could.

Emily back away from Nya, and said, "We both know you were spying on me and Jay. Then you followed me from the theater to see if you could learn more about me."

Nya was surprised. She thought that Emily hadn't noticed her or Kai at the theater. But it seemed like she did. "How did you know?" Nya asked her.

Emily's smirk grew larger and she began to circle Nya. "I noticed Kai putting something behind Jay's chair, but knew he didn't and wouldn't come alone. Then I noticed you." She explained.

Then she grew serious, and her smirk faded. "Look Nya, I'm only going to give you this warning once, stay away from me and Jay, or else."

"Or else, what?" Nya asked, frowning at Emily.

Emily's smirk returned and she walk close enough to whisper to Nya, "Or else, Everyone will know the identity of the Water Ninja."

Nya felt all the color drain from her face, and was about to ask how she knew, but Emily seemed to be reading her mind.

"And before you ask, Jay didn't tell me. I simply figured it out on my own." Emily said, "So stay out of my way, or everyone will know of your secret identity."

With that said, Emily walked away, grinning ear to ear.

Nya stood in place for a few moments. She knew she didn't like Emily for a reason, and not because she was jealous. She knew she had to tell the others. It no longer mattered if they thought she was jealous, which she wasn't. With that, she ran out of the alley and to headquarters.

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