Misfortune pt.1

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The sun was blisteringly hot. Every step across the sand tingled your feet as you walk across the shore, yet you couldn't care less. Taking a deep breath of the salty, ocean air you wade into the shallows beside a shallow, old dock.

You had finished cataloging your professors medical tools, and ordered in some missing supplies, when you decided a break wouldn't hurt. Letting him know you were going to walk along the beach behind his house, he warned you to be careful as the past storm may have brought up some garbage from the deeper waters. Giving the old man a quick, " 'Kay!", you grabbed a beach towel from the closet, wrap it around your waist and ran out back.

Warm water laps at your leg as you stand in the surf. Enjoying the sounds and smells of the sea you love so dearly. You could almost feel like it was talking to you.


...actually, maybe it was?

Looking around you don't notice anything obvious. The soft chirruping continues after a small pause, sounding weaker. You take a glance at the dock and walk towards it, thinking that this is the only place anything could be hiding.

Taking a peek under the old wooden boards you don't notice anything at first glance. About to turn away you hear the soft chirping again and take a closer look. A small pile of debris has gathered near one of the poles. You wait a few seconds...




There's movement.

Quickly you move forward, thinking maybe a kitten or young porpoise is stuck in the pile. You get to work unwrapping whatever is there. Seaweed to netting to plastic beer holders... you reign your disgust at your own race as you dig. Suddenly, you see what looks to be scales. Removing a torn and filthy plastic bag reveals a fish! Or, it's tail anyway... it twitches and another weak peep is heard.

. . .

Fish don't peep...

Unhealthy red and yellow scales reflect the suns rays. You pull gently on the tail, hoping the rest of whatever this creature is will just slide out without further digging. A small and miserable sounding squeal of protest is heard, but the trouble is over and it's out.



Words fail as you gaze on this tiny wonder. Small, spiky fins frame its face as a crown of red and orange scales adorned his brow. His chubby little baby arms are light orange and cling to the front of its chest as if seeking warmth. It's lion fish like tail sporting small baby barbs on its dorsal and missing scales all along it.

This is a...


It tries to cry out, going through the motions, but is too weak. Snapping out of your daze you unwrap your towel from your waist and attempt to swaddle the... infant. It's awkward and its tail sticks out, but you manage. You carefully lift the small bundle into your arms and walk back to the house.

As you walked you glanced down the infant. Now that the small creature was asleep comfortably in your arms, you could see the damage more clearly. Malnutrition, possible starvation, numerous missing scales, severe sunburn, torn fins... and it still hadn't once opened its eyes. A frown crossed your features. It was more than likely separated from its parents during the storm early on and was stranded under that dock for hours if not days. A sigh escapes as you hold the child closer to your chest. A whimper is heard and you relax your grip slightly, soothing it with cooing noises. It settles again just as you reach the professor back door.

You place your hand on the sliding door handle, moving it aside while muttering to yourself about how, "Ratchets gonna shit himself..."

*The world needs more Merformers!

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