A Bit of Curiostity

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*This was inspired by the Undertale BittyAU's and Tiny Starscream! I don't own either!*



"Starscream? Where are you, little one?" You walk around your apartment looking for the odd little bitty.

It has been over a month since you have unofficially adopted the bot. After finding the poor thing shivering under a newspaper just inside your apartment complex. Dirty and wet from recent rain, looking as though he was chewed on by a dog, you immediately felt for the poor thing and brought him home.

"Umm... dear? What are you doing?"

Sitting astride the small, plastic pony, your new bitty looks up at you slightly panicked. His wide, red eyes-

No... that's not right.


Yes! That's the word! His wide, red optics looking pitiful and scared.

You watch as he immediately scrambles off the tiny equine and starts bowing towards you. Shielding his face and body- 'Helm and chassis,' you remind yourself, from you.

'Does he..? Does he think I'm going to hurt him?!'

This alarms you greatly. Not because he thinks you're going to hit him, but because...

'Someone must have hit him before...'

Immediately you begin to correct the situation.

"Oh no, honey...", gently picking him up you hold close to your chest, "You're not in trouble. You were curious and wanted to play. I will never fault you for your curiosity." You lift him to eye level. Seeing his panic starting to subside, you smile and nuzzle his tiny chassis.

He let's out a squeak and you realize that might be a tad to much affection for the poor dear. Embarrassed you draw back and apologize, "S-sorry, Screamer. Sometimes I just can't help-" You hear the small sound of metal shifting. "...myself." You look down... quickly seeing that the little bot is aroused.

Starscream, now a nice shade of blueberry, gives a shriek and covers himself before transforming and flying into the little house you set up for him in the corner of your room. You stand motionless, turning tomato red yourself as this happens. Once you hear a tiny slam, confirming that he is indeed now in his house, you cough and shake your head as you walk to the bathroom to take a cold shower.

And reflect on your life choices.

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