Dominance pt.2

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'That... did not go well...', she numbly thinks to herself, licking over her freshly reopened wounds. It has been about a few earth weeks since her fight.

The battle, unfortunately for her, was quite short. Though fast, Megatron was able to predict her movements almost too a 'T'. His vorns of experience in and outside the ring gave him an edge she had not been prepared for, and her own inexperience on battle made it amost laughably easy for the silver titan. Megatron was far stronger than she gave him credit. Never in her short existence had she thought she might actually offline in a battle.

She stops and shifts with a small hiss and curls in on herself in what could only be described as a kennel. She'd been in there for a few solar-cycles now, in quarantine. The fight was short, yes. But not without injuries... to both sides. She received several shattered plates, a twisted and mangled wing, and two large gouges down her chassis. Enough damage that she was taken off from mission duty. Even Shockwave doubted she'd recover properly and had to, reluctantly, consult Knockout for treatment.

Megatron had gained new scars from her initial kick to his body, along with severe burns on his servos and, shockingly, a cracked optic when her tail smashed against his faceplates bear the end of the fight. He'd glared as she was separated from him by Shockwave and several unenthusiastic vehicons.

With a small huff she closes her optics. She hasn't seen anyone but her Master and Knockout for a couple orns now. She's restless and need to stretch outside of this cramped cage, but all the can do is wait.

...She hates waiting...


"And how is the femme?"

Audials flip back as optics snap open. She flips her frame as she get up to stare at the intruder into the lab from her small prison. Soundwave stands before her... but... surely that was Megatrons voice..? But more importantly...

'When did he enter?! There was no sound!'

Her thoughts were interrupted as the kennel door swung open. Without hesitation she bolted from the cramped space into the lab past the silent-one, uncaring of his presence, as the chance to finally flex wings and struts was to great. She even failed to notice the mild swish of opening doors...

Paws in front she brought the rest of her frame back, arching her rear into the air as she then flexed out her titanium claws. A deep purr in her chest she then flexed forward stretching her legs far and almost flat to the ground, wings pulled high to loosen kinks. After so long recovering, this was practically orgasmic. With a small flourish of her tail, she finished with a satisfied sigh and turn to Soundwave to find our why he was there... except he wasn't.

But Megatron was.

She makes a sound that she would later deny as not a squawk of suprise. Certainly not. Before collecting her, albeit confused, emotions and sitting straight, presentable and dignified. In response Megatron mearly lifts a brow and smirks... He takes a step forward.

She glares. Stands. And takes one step back.

His smirk widens as he takes another step. Then another.

And she retreats. One, after another.

Until she hits a wall. He chuckles how her optics never leave his. At how their glare hardens when they realize they were played.

"What will you do now?" He says in a tone... not quite mocking? There's something else to it. But she can't figure out what. At least not now when she feels so penned in! She admits she respect his strength, but what the pit is happening right now?!He continues, "Your retreat is blocked. Will you fight? Or..."

He leans down slightly, as he says a
word that makes her see red.


A roar leaves her intake as she feels a shift in her plating and she launchs self at him in a split second. Her servos wrapping around his neck cabling to tear them to shreds as he catches her in the same motion. Whipping around and slamming her into the flooring while she screams a slew of curses at him from multiple languages, cybertronian and otherwise.

"If you EVER think I will submit my place as a Hunter to be some trophy femme that's only good for bearing bitlets and sucking spike, YOU HAVE ANOTHER THING COMING!"

Of all the things she expected, laughter, genuine laughter, was not one. Especially not from the Slagmaker himself!


As he calms him he releases her servos and... wait... wha-


"Yes... it seems you do." He smiles as he stands, servo extended. With a puzzled expression she blinks at it before accepting, and squeeks as she pulled onto two peds. HER peds. She stares down at them for a click before looking at her legs, chest, hands and arms. Looking behind her, her wings remain relatively the same. Tail too. Looking back to Megatron she asks, "How... did I..?"

"A recent excursion revealed that Predaking could transform not long after our..." he looks at her, arms behind his back strut and face carefully blank, before continuing. "Encounter."

She glances away for the first time, awkwardly shuffling on her peds and unsure how to respond to that. Luckily she doesn't have to wait for long.

"It seems being put under a good deal of stress was able to help coax it out of him. And Shockwave brought it to my attention that you may as well be able to do such a feat. Especially since you were still caged for recovery. So a suprise visit seemed an excellent way of testing this theory."

Shockwave would say that. But that still doesn't explain... "Soundwave?"

He chuckles, "What better way to take you off guard than to greet you with someone you couldn't detect?"

Ah. Yup.

"However, I must admit..."

Primus, what now?

He turns and begins walking out of the lab. As the doors open he pauses and glances back at the newly transformed Predacon.

"Had I realized what a challenge you were, I'd have tried to spar with you sooner. You are to now report to me for training. Shockwave will be notified." The doors shut.

. . .

Was. . .

Was that a compliment. . ?

Also. WHAT?!

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