Chapter Nine- Where Am I?... ZAYN!!!

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A/N: This chaptah right her is dedicated to Ziam22 Because they are absolutely AmaZayn :D <3 Enjoy ! <3 xx

+Liam's POV+

I woke up in a dark room. Where am I? I tried moving but I can't. Am I tied down? Why can't I sit up? Why is it so cold in here? I looked down to see that I was completely bare and I had red scratches on my tummy. What the fuck happened last night?

Suddenly the door opened and light shined straight through. A sharp pain ripped through my head. I groaned and heard a laugh.

" What's wrong Liam? " The voice asked. I turned my head over and saw a familiar figure. " You seem like you're in a bit of a predicament. "

Then it hit me. It was Josh. He hit me across the head last night. And that's all I remember!

" What did you do to me Josh? " I asked sternly. He chuckled evily.

" Oh I just had a little fun is all. " My eye widened. He didn't. " And I've gotta say, It would've been better if you weren't out cold. " He did! He fucking raped me!

He began to come closer towards me. " Stop! Please.. Don't. " He kept walking until he was hovering over me. Soon enough he was straddling me down on the bed I was laying on.

" And why should I? " He asked while trialing one hand up adn down my arm and the other down my chest slowly.

" B-Because! I don't belong to you. Zayn said he would give you the money! He promised... Just please... stop! " I said desprately. His hand was just above where my boxers would be and I started to get really nervous.

" I know he promised Liam. It's Wednesday. Thing is, You are very sexy so I decided to mess with Zayn. And I don't think I will stop. " I gasped and my eyes went extremely wide. He wrapped his hand around my dick and slowly started to move his hand up and down. I started to move around and screaming at him.

" STOP!!! JOSH!!! GO THE FUCK AWAY!!! STOPPPP!!! " He just laughed. He let go but started to pull his boxers off. Oh God No...

" Well this'll be fun. " He said before pushing in me. I screamed in pain but he ignored it and started thrusting, hard. I could feel the tears streaming down my face each time I screamed.

" PLEASE!!!! GET OUT!!!! STOP!!! "

After what felt like five million hundred hours he finally stopped and pulled out of me. He took something out of the drawer next to him and put it to my chest. I suddenly felt a sharp pain and I screamed again.

" I was right. That was a lot more fun Liam. Now. I'll be back and we're going to have a little talk with Zayn okay? Don't move. " He smirked and walked out after puting his boxers on. I just laied on the bed feeling dirty. The pain from my chest still hurt like a mother fucker but I wonder if Zayn was actually looking for me.

I could feel more tears come from my eyes as Josh walked back in with a laptop.

" Hello Zayn. " Josh said smirking. He sat the laptop down on the nightstand and stood there looking at it.

" WHERE THE FUCK IS HE JOSH?! " I heard Zayn scream. Josh laughed and spoke again.

" He's right here Zayn. Safe and sound. We've been having some fun you know? Like this... " Josh crawled on top of me again and turned the laptop so I could see Zayn's face and he could see me and Josh.

+Zayn's POV+

I heard my laptop go off telling me I had a skype caller. I rushed down to my laptop from looking everywhere upstairs for Liam. I saw that Josh was calling me. I quickly accepted and saw that he was smirking and he was shirtless. I reconized his surroundings.

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