Sprinting Imagination

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Resisting the urge to punch.

My life-line cuts itself and 

I break free.

Packing my memories,

Locking the past; keeping the key.

Future. Adventure. Thrill.

I'm the book you'll want to open: one day,

Time will stop to look,

You'll be the recipe and I'll be the cook.

You'll grow tall. Tall enough to read me.

Tall enough to judge me.

I'll be standing, smiling,

styling the thoughts in my head for you.

Hope. Understanding the Questions.

Tracking the answers, fulfilling needs,

Checking myself for the 

'how many reads'.

Some-day You won't need to search me,

I'll be the book with the answers,

you'll be the searcher,

it'll be lightning mixed with rain,

I will be your lurcher. 

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