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josh's point of view

dedicated to House_of_Jishwa ! thanks for the idea, love. ♡♡♡

work keeps my mind occupied, which i'm grateful for. if it weren't for the crops, i'd be left thinking about my siblings and my uncle. i'd be left thinking about all the pressure resting on my shoulders and the fact that i'm letting everyone down simply by being myself.

"hey, josh?" tyler pokes my shoulder and i look to him, smiling a bit.

"hey, baby." i wipe my hands on my shirt and the put my hands on my hips. "whatcha need?"

he laughs a little and then shrugs. "are you almost done?"

"yeah, just about." i sigh and wrap an arm around his shoulders. you know, as bros do. nothing more than platonic. obviously.

"i was thinking." tyler leans his head on my shoulder for a moment and then pulls away, squinting a little in the harsh summer sun. "maybe we could go up to the treehouse tonight and you could paint me."

"yeah?" i smile wider at that, excited at the idea. "i'd love that."

"i love you." he looks down at the ground, his cheeks pink.

"and i love you."

once we finish our work, we clean ourselves up (tyler got the shower first again).

we eat lunch and then sit around, doing nothing but talking and laughing, and i cherish the sound.

and then i see it.

a hickey.

"oh, my god." i bring my hand up to cover my mouth, my eyes wide.

"what?" tyler panics a bit, looking around in an attempt to see what i'm panicking over.

"tyler, you have a hickey." i run my hand through my hair, tugging at it. "oh, my god."

"what?" his voice is squeaky and he immediately stands from my bed, going to the bathroom to inspect his neck. he rushes back moments later, cheeks red and eyes wide. "oh, my god," he repeats the three words and sits down again. "what am i going to do?"

"wear turtlenecks?"

"josh, it's literally a million degrees outside."

"oops?" i reach up and touch it gently. "doesn't a cold spoon help or something?"

"i dont know." he sighs lays back on my bed, his legs still dangling off the edge. "i kind of like it there."

"yeah?" i look down at him, the blush in his cheeks fading.

he sits up a again and my eyes follow him. "yeah. it's kind of... hot."

"maybe i should give you more then." i lean forward a bit, just a couple inches, and his breath hitches.

"or maybe i should give you some. see how you like it," he mumbles, his eyes locked on my lips.

"whatever you want, babe." i close the gap between us and peck his lips before i stand up. "come on. i wanna paint you."

we head out the the treehouse, holding hands and making conversation on the way.

once we arrive, we both climb up. i set my bag down and open it, rummaging through it for a few colors and brushes.

when i look up, tyler already has his shirt off and spread out in front of him to lay on.

i look at his back, tan and blank, ready for me to paint. i'm hesitant still, unsure of how he'll react. it feels more intimate than i'm used to, than i'm sure he's used to either.

"what should i paint?" i ask, biting my lip.

"flowers. paint me a garden." he turns to face me, his arms folded under his cheek.

i pour some paint and then dip my brush in it before i touch it to his skin, a red shape left behind.

"it's cold," he mumbles, a small smile forming on his face.

"sorry," is all i reply with, doing my best to focus on the rose in making.

as i paint, tyler begins to hum a song im unfamiliar with.

"you should sing." i dip a new brush into a different color and start on a sunflower on his right shoulderblade. "i mean, if you want," i clear my throat. i didn't mean to sound that demanding.

"when everyone you thought you knew deserts your fight, i'll go with you. you're facing down a dark hall, i'll grab my light and go with you," the words flow from his mouth so effortlessly, smoothly.

i smile, adding a different shade of yellow to the picture and listening intently.

"did you write that?" i ask this only when he's finished, already onto the next flower at this point.

"yeah." he nods a little. "did you like it?"

"i loved it."

tyler continues singing for me, and i continue painting.

by the time his back is covered in colors, there's streaks of paint on my hands, arms, and face.


"did you bring your phone?"

"i did," i answer, already pulling it out. "i'll take a picture." i snap a photo and wait for him to sit up before handing it to him. "i hope you like it."

"josh," his voice is quiet and his eyes are wide as he looks at it, taking in every petal and stem. "it's amazing."

"you're amazing," i smile a little, still not quite sure how to take his compliments.

he shakes his head and sets his phone aside, leaning forward to kiss me. as our lips move, he climbs into my lap, his hands going to my shoulders.

i leave my hands awkwardly at my sides. i don't want to mess up my painting.

he pulls away after a minute or so. "you are so perfect, joshua dun."

"and you're ethereal."

"i take it back. you're not perfect. you're too smart for me and i have no clue what that word means." he smiles at me, his eyes sparking in the dim light of the battery powered lamp.

"too perfect for this world. too delicate and beautiful." i kiss him again, on his cheek this time and he blushes brightly. "i love you, tyler."

"i love you, smarty pants." he giggles a little and i shake my head.

"tyler, i'm trying to be serious. i love you, as a friend and a boyfriend. i'm not the best at accepting compliments, and i can't spoil you or show you off like you deserve, and i'm sorry. it's probably selfish of me, to call you mine when i can't give you everything you need, but even if it's just for the summer, i love you."

(an: again. summer love by one direction)

farm boy // joshler Where stories live. Discover now