High School - Percy Jackson and The Kane Chronicles Crossover

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[Right Sadie, give me the mic.]

The rain was pouring when we went to school in the morning. Not just drizzling like it does in early September, properly pouring. The ground was sodden and the flowerbeds at the school gates were soaked, and the dirt had turned into extremely wet, soggy, mud. Another extremely wet, soggy aspect of my day was my hair. My black hair was plastered to my scalp and my brand new Goode High school uniform was drenched.

Let me remind you that this is my first day of school. Ever. [No Sadie that is not why I’m dumb. Wait…no! I didn’t say I actually was dumb! Give it back!]

Next to me was my dumb sister, Sadie. You’d never know we were related, I have dark skin and black hair, while she has fair skin and choppy blonde hair with streaks that she changes every week. She’s a magician like me, and we are the hosts for two of the most powerful Egyptian gods, Horus [That’s me] and Isis [Sadie.]

We trudged down the corridor to our first class, dripping wet. I gave the ‘Goode is good’ posters the evil eye as we passed them and Sadie smirked. Our first class was Classical Civilizations, and I hoped we would be doing the ancient Egyptians.  It was just my luck that we weren’t. The teacher, a young woman with blonde hair and a nice smile, told us that we would be learning about Greeks, and we all groaned, except for this guy and a girl next to us. The guy was a handsome, with loose raven hair and sea green eyes. I noticed, that unlike the rest of us, he didn’t seem to be wet from the rain. He was grinning at the girl next to him, who had red hair and pale skin, with freckles all around her nose. She laughed at him quietly as if sharing some private joke.

The teacher first asked us who knew who the Greek gods were. She asked us to list the main 12, and the guys hand shot up into the air, along with the redhead.  The teacher motioned to the guy, who listed all of them

“Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Apollo, Artemis, Demeter, Dionysus, Ares, Aphrodite, Athena, Hermes and Hephaestus.” He said, counting them off on his fingers. I was impressed. Throughout the whole lesson I watched the odd pair. The guy knew almost every answer, and at one point in the lesson he had a conversation with the teacher in ancient Greek, which the teacher looked pleased about.

I was a little jealous, but no one seemed to really care. I sat next to the guy again in English, hoping he could help me analyze some Shakespeare, but I had no luck, the guy was dyslexic. Figures.

[Shut up Sadie, I didn’t want to copy]

I began to wonder if the redhead was his girlfriend, because they seemed to talk a lot, but it just didn’t seem like that. There was something strange about both of them, especially the guy. He seemed to radiate power like a god, and he seemed fairly mysterious. Lots of the girls were staring at him as he walked down the corridor, including, might I add, one Sadie Kane.

[*Shouting* Give it back! I’ll try not to make fun of you, I promise!]

Lunchtime came pretty quickly, and when we got to the Dining hall it was packed. Literally, there wasn’t a single table free.

Ra, how was that possible?

We ended up at a table with Greek Dude and the redhead. They were sitting with a bunch of guys, who seemed sort of geeky, and I wondered why. The guy was fairly handsome and seemed very athletic, I was surprised he wasn’t a jock. I shrugged and turned to Sadie, who was absentmindedly eating an apple, so I missed the guy getting up and coming to sit by me. The girl did the same.

“Hi, I’m Percy Jackson” he said, and he seemed friendly enough. Sadie was gawking at him again. “This is my friend Rachael Elizabeth Dare,” he said, and I wondered if it was just a friend.

“ I’m Carter Kane and this is my sister, Sadie.” I told him, fully expecting him to frown and ask why we looked nothing alike. He didn’t.

This kid was full blown strange.

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