Chapter 6: "Hello Sweetheart,"

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The run was longer than usual. Usually, to clear my mind I run for twenty minutes, but now I'm out for more than an hour. I stopped and took a deep breath. I am definitely not in shape, probably tomorrow all my muscles will ache.

I started walking back towards my house only to see that I didn't recognize where I'm at. I frowned. Did I loose track of time and just ran? I can't seem to remember where I came from. Probably I was so lost in my thoughts and crying to even notice where I was going. Stupid me.

I sighed and took my phone out of my pocket. I quickly pressed on the Waze but as soon as it loaded, my battery died. "Fuck," I muttered to myself. What the hell am I gonna do now? I looked around me once more but still I couldn't remember where I came from.

After cursing myself that I didn't charge my phone or didn't remember where I came from, I decided that it's best just to keep on walking. I mean, it's better than standing here and blaming myself.

I started walking down the dark streets, It was a bit creepy but probably that's because I don't know this neighborhood. I tried to calm myself and focus on my breathing. If not, I would probably freak out. I looked around me so I can at least ask for help, but the streets were empty. That's weird. I'm guessing the time is around 22:00. Do people go to sleep so early? Well, yeah! Who am I fooling? I go to sleep at nine. But it's just me, I'm sure there are people around here.

I continued to walk and I scanned my surroundings. still, nothing. I sighed in frustration and I felt a tear stream down my face. When I'm frustrated, I cry. It's just an automatic response, no explanation behind it. I quickly wiped my tears and took a deep breath but the tears never stopped. Why do I have to cry so easily? I cursed quietly. I hate being so helpless...

Suddenly I heard some noises. I made a face and quickly scanned my surroundings. Nothing. Well it's kind of dark so there's no way I can see anything. Probably my imagination. I thought to myself and continued walking. After another thirty seconds, I heard another creepy sound. Immediately, I turned around only to see a person behind me. Part of me was happy and part of me was scared. If this person is not a creep, he can let me borrow his phone or at least help me. I decided to give it a try. It's not like I have a choice anyway.

I started walking towards the person. I looked at him and tried to identify who it was, but I just couldn't see in the dark. "Hello?" I called feeling terrified.

I saw him take a few steps closer to me. I narrowed my eyes. Who is that guy? I can see he's a boy, not more then that. "Hello Sweetheart,"

His voice made my skin shiver. It wasn't that nice shiver, it was a scary one. The one when you feel like you're in danger. I made a face. I didn't recognize his voice. "Who are you?" I asked.

"Ouch. Don't you remember me?" He said in a evil tone. Well, I'm not sure it was an evil tone, but that's what I feel right now.

I raised my eyebrow. "Am I supposed to?"

He laughed. "Well, it's always nice to be remembered."

I looked at him as if he was crazy, even though he can't see my expression. "What's your name?"

"You, young lady," he started and took another step towards me. I took a step back. "Don't get to ask the questions."

I let out a breath I didn't notice I was holding. "What do you want?"

He chuckled. What's so funny? "Good girl. Now, how do you know Justin?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2020 ⏰

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