Chapter 12

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(Todoroki's POV)

School went by boring as usual and it was finally time to go back to the dorms. 'Finally I can rest.' I headed back to my dorm and opened the door.

"Half n half." I heard from behind me.

"Bakugou I'm not in the mood for more of your bullshit. Leave me and Yaoyorozu alone."

"Look I'm not here to do that. Just, just please, please take care of her." And with that he walked away.


(Bakugou's POV) (it's not Todoroki's!)

Why can't I do anything right. I loved her. I really did. I walked into my dorm and went to my bathroom. 'You monster.' I thought as I looked at myself in the mirror.

You've pushed away everyone that ever cared for you.

Don't remind me.

You almost killed Kirishima, you're only friend. You even let him catch feelings for you.

I know stop it.

You've failed Katsuki. You know your punishment.

Twelve it is.

I took off my uniform and hung it in my closet. After putting on some pants I walked back into the bathroom and grabbed my old friend. I had put it away when I had started dating Yaoyorozu, because I promise myself that would never hurt her. Look where that got me.

"Thought I'd never use you again. Guess I was wrong." I said as I placed the first cut on my wrist. It stung a little, but I was used to it.





Almost done.


The tears were streaming down my face. I wasn't looking and I placed the twelfth.

Too deep.

"Shit." I saw the blood and tried to clean it up the best I could. "Shit shit shit, oh fuck." I started getting dizzy. I pulled out my phone and dialed the only person I could trust. Kirishima.

"H-hey Bakugou."

"K-Kirishima I-I need you. Now. H-help." God I sounded pathetic.

"Where are you? Are you ok?"

"D-dorm." Was the only thing I could say before I nearly passed out. I layed on the ground and heard Kirishima.

"Bakugou!" He looked at me. 'I'm pathetic.'

"Bakugou it's ok. I'm gonna take you to Recovery Girl. Ok?" He was worried and sounded afraid, but who wouldn't be? The man you thought was strong and unbreakable is now lying in your lap, shirtless, and bleeding to death from their own inability to cope.

"K-Kirishima. N-not the nurse. H-hospital." I said drifting in and out of consciousness.

"Bakugou stay awake ok? I'm gonna jump out of the window with you. Don't move." Like I could anyway.

"Here goes nothing." He said as he picked me up and held me to his chest. It felt nice. I felt, safe? Happy? Secure? It's weird. I suddenly felt like I was falling, yet being with him, I was calm. The next few hours were all a blur. Finally I woke up and Kirishima was laying on a chair in my hospital room. The old hags were there too, but Kirishima stayed. For me. Even after all I've done to him. This man must truly be an idiot.

"Mmmmmmm." He started to wake up.


"Huh? Oh Bakugou your up." He said flashing me a smile.

"Yeah, how long has it been?"

"Uh," he checked his phone. "Five hours." He brushed his bangs out of his face. His hair was a mess.

"Does everyone know?" I asked feeling ashamed.

"No, they don't. I told them you had a bad case of the flu. Which would explain why you're so pale."

"Th-Thanks Kirishima."

"It's nothing." He said looking at the ground.

"Go back to the dorms idiot. You need your sleep." I told him.

"But I want to stay here. I was so scared when you, you, you know."

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

"Don't. There's no need to be." He said as he laid back down. Soon I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Spade is signing out!

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