chapter 20

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When the baby was delivered, and it was finally all over, we both cried tears of joy, clutching onto each other and our son Evan.

My heart had never been filled with so much love. I didn't even know I was capable of loving so much. My wonderful husband and my amazing miracle. My little family.

The doctor didn't approve for me to have sex again for a full six weeks after the birth. Around four weeks, I started getting antsy, missing Gavin's touch. I tried to tease him, seduce him in the kitchen wearing only an apron when he came home from work one day. I even went to the trouble of cooking dinner, something I'd never done for him before. He shut me down, telling me he didn't want me to push myself. I was pissed off at him all night. My hormones still out of whack from having newly given birth, I made him sleep on the sofa. When I awoke early the next morning to go to the bathroom and found him curled up on the floor of the nursery, guilt took over, and I called him back to bed.

He's been an amazing father. Wanting to make sure I'm alright, he hired someone to come help me during the daytime. At night, he takes over. Sometimes, I think he hogs the baby. Or that maybe he favors our son more than me. But every time I express my insecurities, he quells me with a gentle touch and soothing words, confessing his profound love for me.

"Life is perfect, and this is everything I ever wanted," he tells me as he sits on the sofa with Evan on his lap.

I rest my head on his shoulder, staring down at our son. He has my blue eyes and Gavin's dark hair. Thankfully, I think he favors Gavin more.

"He's going to be a ladykiller someday," Gavin says before making a face at the baby.

"Just like his father?" I raise an eyebrow.

"There's only one lady I want in my life." He leans over to give me a kiss. "Well, you and my mom. And your mom. And...I suppose the rest of my female family members."

"I get it." I giggle. "But I get most of your attention?"

"Always." He smiles at me. "Because you are mine."

"I am yours," I agree, not wanting to be anywhere else in the world.

I start marking down the days until we can have sex again on a kitten calendar that I posted on the wall in the kitchen. Gavin told me it looks tacky, and he asked why I don't just use the calendar on my phone. When I explained to him why I bought it and was marking down the days, he seemed to hate it a lot less. Now he smirks every time he looks at it and sees another black X.

Finally, the glorious day arrives. I wait at the door for him like a puppy awaiting the return of their master. If I had a tail, it would be wagging when I hear his car pull up into the garage.

It's crazy how much I've grown to rely on Gavin. How much I love being around him. In the beginning, I wasn't even sure we'd be able to stand each other. He was always so demanding and possessive. But now, I couldn't imagine my life without him. I'm so damn in love that even watching him leave for work in the morning makes my heart ache. All I want is for my husband to return safely every day. He is my blessing. A miracle, much like our little Evan.

"Honey, I'm home," he calls out as the door to the garage swings open.

I'm standing so close to it that he jerks back, startled to see me there. He's clutching a bouquet of roses in his arm and a bottle of wine in his hand. My face lights up at the sight of him.

"You must have remembered!" I say, reaching out to take the roses from him.

"How could I have forgotten? You set a reminder on my phone." He cocks a brow at me, and my cheeks flame.

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