chapter 9

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The door flies open, nearly hitting Robert, and Gavin steps out of the car looking all kinds of pissed off and menacing. It takes a few seconds for me to figure out what's going on. He was watching me from down the street. And he probably thinks...

"Get in the car," he growls at me.

I have to defuse the situation before Gavin beats Robert's ass and I end up losing my job over it. I quickly obey, running around to the passenger's side. I point at Gavin awkwardly before opening the door to get in, speaking directly to Robert. "Sorry. I forgot that my boyfriend was coming to pick me up. You have fun doing whatever it is you're going to do tonight," I say before slipping inside the car and praying to God I said enough to keep Gavin from lunging at him.

Gavin looks Robert up and down like he's no better than the dirt on his shoes. Then he snorts and gets back in the car. All the while, Robert is left standing there bewildered.

We peel out of the parking lot, and fear seeps into my gut as I watch Gavin wring his hands around the steering wheel.

"Who was that guy?" he demands, practically shouting.

"Calm down. He's just the guy who has been training me."

"He tried to touch you," he barks at me.

"He didn't try to touch me." I lean away from him, trying to escape his booming voice which is nearly impossible in such a small space.

"I saw everything," Gavin says as if he just witnessed me committing a crime.

"Well, I guess you didn't hear everything, because I clearly told him that you're my boyfriend." I fold my arms over my chest. "Why were you watching me anyway?"

"Because you are mine. It's my right to keep track of what is mine," he insists.

"So you were stalking me because you didn't think I would come back to you." I spell out what's really going on.

"I wasn't stalking you." He rolls his eyes.

"When someone sits outside of your work and watches you without you knowing about it, that's stalking." I clarify the definition for him.

And then it hits me like a ton of bricks. After everything I've done to show Gavin that I want to be loyal to our contract, he still doesn't trust me at all.


She gives me the silent treatment the rest of the way home. To my home. Our home. She'll be lucky if I ever let her leave again. It's crystal clear to me now that allowing her to continue on with her life as normal was a mistake. There are predators all around who want a taste of her sweet peachy little cunt. But it's mine. She's mine.

I wanted to kill that kid when I saw him flirting with Althea so blatantly. I had not a fucking clue what was going on. Had she been lying to me this entire time? I know she was really a virgin before I had her. Her blood was the proof. But she could have secretly had a boyfriend this entire time. Been planning to let me pop her cherry, take half of the money, then go on as if nothing had ever happened.

I was infuriated and hurt by the thought of betrayal. Whether this guy was really her boyfriend or not, he was going to get an ass beating just so I could release all the rage I felt inside. It couldn't be contained any longer, not when I was watching him touch my girl, feeling like an outsider looking in.

The only thing that saved him was Althea telling him I was her boyfriend. It was confirmation that all the worst things I had imagined were just that. Imagined. Whatever was going on between them, she didn't want it. At least, she was doing a damn good job of acting like she didn't. Maybe she just said that to spare him, but there's little reason for me to think she's lying. She just started this job, and I did see him walking around with her inside the restaurant, standing by her side while she took orders, or her standing next to him while he did it. He is definitely the one who has been training her.

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