chapter 18

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They say that planning a wedding is stressful. Most people take at least a year. Gavin made me put ours together in three months.

Originally, he was only going to give me one month. When I insisted it wasn't possible, we ended up compromising yet again. I would have the IUD removed in one month, and we could have the wedding in three months. It wasn't ideal, but at least I knew I wouldn't be showing during the wedding. And since I was the one who pushed the wedding date back, I couldn't argue with him over the IUD thing. He was keeping to his part of the deal. I needed to keep to mine.

While we came to an agreement, he didn't trust me enough to go to the doctor alone. He made the appointment for me and insisted on being present when my IUD was removed. It was actually kind of sexy, sitting in the gynecological chair while Gavin and I waited for the doctor to come in. I practically had to fight him off from trying to fuck me right then and there. He even suggested paying the doctor to stay out for a while, but I was too damn embarrassed, and I didn't want us to get kicked out. I actually like this doctor.

He couldn't keep his hands off me nearly the entire way home. And as soon as we were back inside the house, he was sweeping me off my feet and carrying me to the bedroom like a caveman who had just claimed his bride. I chuckle at the memory of him making me stay on all fours with my ass in the air for a good five minutes after he came inside me, insisting that I keep as much in as possible. I told him I could do that lying down, but he insisted my body was like a glass. It was hard not to push his come out when I was busy laughing into the pillow. I can still remember his scowl. I had to promise him that he could fill me every night of the week before he stopped pouting.

Maybe I shouldn't have said that, I think as I splay my fingers over my stomach in my white designer wedding dress. Being overly hormonal when you're getting married isn't fun. Perhaps if I didn't know I was pregnant, it wouldn't be so bad. But Gavin was insistent on knowing the moment it happened. When I saw him come home with two bags full of pregnancy tests the day after I had my IUD removed, my eyes nearly bulged out of my head from shock.

"What? Do you expect me to take one of these every day of the week?" I asked as I watched him stack the boxes underneath the sink in the master bathroom.

"After every time we have sex," he replied as if it totally made sense.

"We have sex at least twice a day." I shifted my weight, folding my arms over my chest.

"Then every day is fine." He glanced up at me from where he was kneeling.

"I'm pretty sure that once a week will suffice. And what if I end up pregnant within the first week? What are you going to do with the rest of those tests?" I bent and pulled one from the bag, reading the box. He spared no expense. They were even the kind that told you how far along you were. I didn't really see the point of him buying those ones when he planned to have me test every day.

"I want to have lots of babies with you." He grinned up at me, and I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help but smirk.

"One. You get one." I handed the test back to him so that he could store it with the rest.

He finished stacking them and stood, pulling me into his arms. "We'll see about that."

"Oh lord, is this something else we're going to fight about." I averted my eyes, not wanting to argue with him.

"You know what they say, make love, not war." He bent to kiss my cheek, then started backing me up towards the bedroom. "Now let's get to that making love part."

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