35. group chat + private message + group chat

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Puppy Pack
(the beast?, the invisible, the hunter, the wolf, beta me, Theo, Hayden, Tracy)

Why am I here again? And why are Hayden and Tracy on the group?

I'm leaving already....

the beast?
Hey, wait!
I have something important to say to you and Tracy.

the hunter
What's the plan, Mason?

Plan? What's happening?

the beast?
I'm was just starting to talk about it before Nolan appeared.

the hunter
oh, sorry

the beast?
Ok, there's a new supernatural villain in BH.

And what we have to do with this?

Yeah, why am I here?

the beast?
If you let me finish...
It's a Night Witch, and she has someone hostage.


the beast?
It's Liam!
Liam was captured by the witch and we wanna get him back. Safe and sound!

Why is he with her? What happened?

the beast?
To shorten the story, Liam is not controlling his anger since... You know. He thought he could do something when she said she was going to kill Scott. Now he is somewhere in the woods.

Why don't you call Scott?
I don't need to get involved in this.

the beast?
It's your choice to be involved, guys.
I know you like or love Liam enough to do it for him...

I do, but we don't need them...

Neither you!

the beast?
I also know you hate each other, but you need to get along this time... For Liam!

Ok, what's the plan?

the wolf
can we speak now? Hehehe

the invisible
what will we do, mase?

the beast?
The plan goes like this...

(N/A: being honest? I still don't have a plan hahaha)


Hey Mason...


How was Liam? You know, before he got caught....

He wasn't doing really ok, he's been angry a lot more than usual... He misses you, if it is what wanna know.

I miss him too. I wish things were different, maybe we could still be together.

You still have time... After we find him, you can talk.

Dunno. He didn't believe me last time, I thought he loved me...

And he loves you... Imagine how that thing made him feel, and add his IED. But he changed everything he thought about that... I thought he tried to talk to you.

He did...
I wasn't ready to answer, when I did he didn't answer, I know why now.
Anyway, I'm coming back to BH right now and then we can go save him.

See you soon!


Puppy Pack
(the beast?, the invisible, the hunter, the wolf, beta me, Theo, Hayden, Tracy)

the beast?
Hi guys!
See you all in the woods at 10pm.

the invisible

the hunter


Ok, so next chapter will be the plan hehe. I don't know when I'll be posting, because I don't have a plan yet, hopefully I will think of something :)
Hope you are enjoyed the fic... It's almost done, probably more 4-5 chapters.

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