28. private message + group chat + private message

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ma BEAST man

hi mase

ma BEAST man
how are u doing?

not good :(
I can't believe he did it to me, I thought he loved me !

ma BEAST man
have you talked to him?

I don't wanna talk to him

ma BEAST man
you need to know what happened, li

we all saw what happened, mase
but he tried to talk to me, if that is what you want to know

ma BEAST man
what he said?

he said it was all made up by Tracy and someone else who he is sure is Hayden, of course he would say that... that day we met at the movies I told him Hayden had talked to me, he must hate her for it!

ma BEAST man
you don't believe him?

ofc not! I mean, he was my boyfriend, I trust him, but there was a pic of him kissing Tracy all over the internet!

ma BEAST man
I think it's not the end, Li
there's something else

i don't know what you're talking about Mason, it is the end!
I'm leaving, have things to do

ma BEAST man


McCall Pack
(my alpha dad, momalia, lady lyd, mase the best, invisible corey, stilinksi-hale, derek, theo ❤️)

liam, do want us to come to BH and kick Theo's ass?

you are aware he is on the group, right Stiles?

ofc i am!
he should read it all!

calm down stiles!

lady lyd
theo, do want to tell us something?

he doesn't!!!!!
he doesn't have anything to tell, we already talked... it's over! bye Theo

Liam removed Theo from the group

mase the best

invisible corey
I don't think it's the right time, Mason

mase the best
why don't you tell the others what Theo told u, Li?

wait, what did he say?
do I need to kill him?

it doesn't matter!
are u on Theo's side, Mason?

mase the best
I'm no one's side actually
it is something you two need to solve together, I just think you should investigate what he said to you

my alpha dad
we should know something, Liam?


Liam left the group

lady lyd
ok Mason, what's happening?

mase the best
Theo said that Tracy made up all of that kiss, she poisoned him or something, and he said there was someone else - probably who took the pic. The thing is, Theo guessed the other person was Hayden.

I thought Liam had got over her

lady lyd
yeah, I thought he loved Theo

mase te best
the two statements are right
I guess he doesn't want to associate she as a bad person, I don't know...

my alpha dad
I think mason's right
and probably he is mad Theo said it was her, like boyfriend and ex-girlfriend thing

I think Theo did it because he wanted to!

nobody cares Stiles 😆
what do we do?

my alpha dad
I'm gonna talk to Theo


Hi Theo!

Theo Raeken
Before you started scolding me for cheating on Liam, I wanna say it was all a mistake!

Calm down! Mason told us something about Tracy making it up.

Theo Raeken
Oh, really? So, I woke up where the dread doctors used to do their experiments, I was tied up and had kanima venom in blood system. She came to where I was and said she also poisoned me to take to there, and said she had a little help from someone. Then she kissed and I saw a light, a flash coming from across the room. After the kiss and the pic she left and when I was 100% recovered I came home...


Theo Raeken
I swear it is true, Scott. I would never cheat on Liam... I love him!

Ok Theo, we are gonna see what we can do.

Theo Raeken
Hm, ok. I just want you and the others to know I'm telling the truth. I changed, and I love Liam!

I wanna believe you, Theo.

Theo Raeken
See you around!

Two chapters in one day!!!!
How is it going so far? Please, let me know!!!

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