chapter five

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"Wakey, wakey Bella!" Just as I hear Jackson's words a giant weight lands on top of me. "I convinced Lucas we should go to Coney Island today!"

"What's," I gasp for air, "Coney Island?"

Jackson rolls off me and throws his arms up, "Only the best place in the world! It's an amusement park and boardwalk."

"Give me 5 minutes."

Jackson rolls off the other side of the bed, "I expect to see you downstairs, ready to go in 4 minutes and 55 seconds." As soon as Jackson leaves I jump up and rush to the bathroom. I already situated all of my bathroom items yesterday so it's easy to brush my teeth and hair quickly. I leave the bathroom to flick through my clothes in the walk in closet the boys generously gave me. I assured them that I didn't have enough clothes to fill even a ¼ of it. However, they persuaded me to take it because apparently none of the rooms in the penthouse are walk in closet-less.

Even though it's only October, it was freezing out yesterday when we were sightseeing. Leading me to choose black jeans, a grey t-shirt and a denim jacket. I run back to the bathroom to slip an extra hairband in my pocket just in case.

Rushing down the stairs I find Jackson and Lucas waiting by the elevator. "That was only 4 minutes, yay Bella! We're gonna grab something to eat on the way. I want to get there before all the people!"

Lucas presses the button to take us to the ground level then pulls me in for a hug "Good morning Bella."

"Good morning Luke." I can tell me being here is still hitting both boys hard. Even as children Lucas was never very openly affectionate with Jackson nor I.

The elevator comes to an abrupt stop before we've gone anywhere and the doors open to a face I'm not too fond of. Scratch that, I am fond of his face, just not the person it entails.

"Jackson, Lucas," Isaiah nods his head to both of them, completely ignoring me. "Where are you 3 off to this morning?"

"Jackson would like to show Orabella Coney Island."

"Isaiah you should come with us! We can make an entire day of it!" No, no Jackson I really don't think Isaiah should come with us.

From what I've heard Isaiah is too much of a workaholic to even consider- "I think I might do just that." Isaiah smiles at me with a gleam in his eye that I'm not quite so sure I like.

I jump down from the truck door and take a gulp of the fresh air. The twins had decided it would be easier if Isaiah just rode with us, easier for everybody except me. The backseat of Lucas's Chevy is big, yet not big enough to stop the smell and heat of Isaiah from getting to me. Everything about him right down to his cinnamon and spice smell screamed male. Something I hadn't had much experience with in the past. Not to mention his piercing vibrant green stare.

I look around for the first time since Lucas parked the truck. I've never seen anything like this before, tons of cute little shops line up with a wooden walkway passing by them. Beyond that is the sprawling amusement park with rollercoasters, games, and a ferris wheel. Everything here is painted in such bright and happy colors, no wonder Jackson loves this place so much.

"Let's go googly eyes," I come out of my daze to see Isaiah and Lucas already walking away while Jackson is gesturing for me to hurry up. Jackson and I continue to walk a couple paces behind Isaiah and Lucas. They're talking in hushed tones but from what I've picked up they're speaking about their companies. Jackson leans in closer to me, "Those 2 can't go an hour without some kind of connection to the companies. They're the definition of workaholic." I hum in response, not wanting to admit I'd been listening in on their conversation.

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