chapter three

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I wake up in a sauna, or at least what feels like a sauna. When I stretch my arms out above my head I notice the two identical blonde heads of hair resting on my stomach. That would most likely be where the intense heat is coming from.

Last night the twins were afraid I would disappear if I left their line of sight which explains the predicament I'm now in. I slowly reach behind me and grab the pillow my head was resting on, not wanting to wake them up I carefully slide out from underneath them and place the pillow where my body was. Once I'm free from my constraints I slip into the bathroom.


My hair is tangled and my eyes are all crusty. I do a quick breath check and realize that it smells worse than my hair and face look. I splash some cold water on my face and run my fingers through my hair, that should take care of that.

Now a toothbrush... quietly opening and closing all of the cabinets and drawers in the bathroom I finally find a new toothbrush in the very bottom left cabinet.

All of my bags were left downstairs, but I'm not exactly sure where due to the fact that I may or may not have run off. I quickly brush my teeth with the toothpaste I found in the upper left drawer and wah-la! Good as new, or er, as good as it's gonna get.

I slip back out the door of the bathroom to see the twins now cuddled up together on the one pillow I gave them. I sit down in the chair that looks out the window and watch the busy street below.

A million thoughts are running through my head right now. I'm so unbelievably happy to be back with my best friends. Yet, I can't stop thinking about my parents, no matter how hard I try to get them out of my head. What are they doing right now? Do they miss me? Are they just going to let me go or are they going to come after me? If they are, when?

A loud gurgling sound interrupts my thoughts, that's my cue to find food. Looking at the boys though, all cute and curled up together, I can't bring myself to wake them. Looks like I'm on my own for this one.

As I creep down the stairs I try to make as little noise as possible. Even though the penthouse is huge and there's no way Lucas and Jackson could possibly hear me. I don't want to disrupt the peace and quiet of it all.

I push open the swinging door to the kitchen and walk straight to the fridge. Food! Scanning the shelves, I can tell the boys don't cook very often, there's only a carton of a dozen eggs, some bologna in the drawer and a jug of milk in the door. Sheesh, what is a girl supposed to eat in this place?

"And who exactly are you?" A deep and masculine voice speaks from behind me making me jump and slam my head on the top of the fridge, releasing an ear piercing scream in the process.

"What the flip! Why would you go and scare me like that?" I slowly close the fridge door behind me, still holding my head.

In what seems like less than a second, or maybe it's just my recent head injury, I'm pinned to the door of the fridge by a hard body.

"Hey, what're you doing!" My arms are held at my side by theirs. Once I finally look up at my attacker's face, I gasp. He has to be the most attractive man I've ever laid eyes on in all of my eighteen years of living on this earth! Green eyes that pierce through me, curly blonde hair and a hard as rock body. He's got to be at least 6 "4", judging from the fact that he towers over my 5"8" frame.

"What do you think you're doing?" We're so close that I can feel his breath on my face, minty and fresh.

"I... uh." All of my remaining brain cells seemed to have flown out the window after my incident with the fridge and then having this man pressed up against me. What more can be expected of me though?

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